
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: Revolution

The Cuban Revolution Journal

The Cuban Revolution was a successful revolution. On the other hand, I do not think that the revolution was worth it. Fidel Castro was able to change Cuba completely. The U.S. stopped sugar trading with Cuba soon after the revolution and placed an embargo against Cuba. In the end, Cuba strengthened their relationship with Soviet allies. By late 1961, Fidel Castro shows his communist thinking to the public. The revolution ended the government’s corruption. However, Cuba got an embargo in return. This embargo on Cuba was one of the most abiding embargoes in history. Cuba had a shortage on food and medical supplies, this embargo also restricted tourist and effected the Cuban economy.

Do you want to know what happened in Cuba between 1953 to 1959? Yeah the revolution that involves the T-shirt person, Che Guevara, the person that survived over 300 murder attempts ,Fidel Castro and the “Big Bad Batista” that started this revolution. Before we start learning more about the revolution, you should take a look at list the below:

-Sierra Maestra Mountains=tallest mountain range in CubaSierra Maestra Mountains

-M26-7=a rebel group led by Fidel Castro

-Operation Summer=an attack against the M26-7 


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