Develop and Planning

The initial sketch for the string launcher is shown above, we figured out how to build the mechanics through a DIY video discovered on Youtube. The build required techniques such as soldering, drilling, and laser cutting, and a proper understanding of circuits as we needed to connect two motors to just one battery pack, the motors also spun in different directions depending on which side was positive and negative. I already knew soldering from a circuits class in seventh grade, and laser cutting I could learn by asking one of the design teachers that worked with us during the project.

To get started, we finalized the materials first:
1 Fret saw
2 3 Volt DC Motor
1 drill
2 Battery
1 Thermal glue gun
1 glue
1 Micro Switch
2 Toy car tire
1 Soldering tools
1 Shaped wire
1 Yarn (6 meters) 1
After finalizing the materials, we decided to make them easier to use and more comfortable to use. We needed a variety of techniques to complete our projects, such as drilling, laser cutting, and Soldering. We also cut out a piece of wood as the handle of our string launcher to make it more comfortable. Drilling was one of the hard parts since we had to drill super small holes right in the middle, during this project, I feel much more confident drilling holes in the center. Soldering and Laser cutting was a skill I’ve already learned during the past few years of school.