
Street Photography – Mood Board



  • https://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.istockphoto.com%2Fphotos%2Fhutong%3Fpage%3D4&psig=AOvVaw1hJl4mqJIjRlAsymMJN5Ed&ust=1734171108313000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCMj3yMPBpIoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAZ
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  • https://www.google.com.hk/imgres?q=hutong%20photography&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Flostplate.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2FOld-Beijing-Hutong-Photo-Walk-Stairs.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Flostplate.com%2Fbeijing-hutong-photo-walk%2F&docid=LiIgyZ_5BQ-VHM&tbnid=SiUCUnbV_HPD0M&vet=12ahUKEwjAg6jywKSKAxWIn68BHYriATMQM3oECCIQAA..i&w=500&h=333&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjAg6jywKSKAxWIn68BHYriATMQM3oECCIQAA



Street Photography – State of Intent

The final name of this project is “The moment of Hutong people’s daily lives.” The concept/story I want to tell with my photograph is what Hutong people’s daily lives are like, such as gathering together and happily spending time with family and friends. I want my audience to feel a deep connection with the Hutong people because their lives are just like ours—ordinary and happy. I will get inspiration and develop my ideas by looking for photographs that show the focus of objects.



Chosen Photographer: Annie Leibovitz

Leibovitz’s photos intend to tell the mysterious beauty of women of different ages, with various techniques. Her photos demonstrate models looking straight at the camera, with rare facial expression changed. Also, her photos usually demonstrate leaning toward the camera to emphasize themselves. The contrast in light for pic 2 is outstanding. Pic 4 is the only photo to not show her common techniques, which is special.

Final choice. This photo shows the most mysterious with enough balance in light and the focus on the model.

Identity Portrait, photography

what is a portrait?

1. What makes a particular photograph a portrait?

When there’s an intended story or message about the person you are photographing or creating with the camera.

Shooting Great Portraits with One Light | Photzy

2. Are Selfies Portraits?

In my opinion, selfies could also be defined as portraits because they try to tell a story with a person(who’s yourself, basically).

My current favorite selfie : r/selfie

3. What should or shouldn’t be included within a portrait?

In a portrait, capturing the identity, personality, facial expression, soul, emotions, essence, and the overall inherent character of a subject must be included to deliver the message directly. However, a portrait doesn’t require incomplete themes and features and a fake expression of a model

4. What makes a “good portrait?”

the identity, personality, facial expression, soul, emotions, essence, and the overall inherent character of a subject.

5. Can a portrait only consist of a small detail, such as a close-up of a hand?

I think it is allowed. A portrait doesn’t always require including the full physical body or face, and even a small part of the body can still express the theme and message at the same time.

6. When does a more abstract representation cease to become a portrait – for example, a blurred figure, or a photograph of a person that has been torn, ripped or faded?

An abstract representation ceases to be a portrait when it no longer aims to depict a specific subject, shifting towards focusing on elements like form, color, and composition instead.

7. Is it possible to represent a person photographically without them being present in the image – for example, through a Still-life, an arrangement of inanimate objects? And if so, can this continue to be called a portrait?

I don’t think it is possible to express a person without being in the photo directly. The portrait shows a person physically involving the full body or some parts no physical appearance doesn’t fit the term.

8. Does a portrait have to be a single photograph? How about a sequence of images?

It doesn’t always have to be a single; two or more people can be included too. At least, if there’s a specific subject, then the number or model doesn’t matter. The sequence of images can support a central theme or concept and can be read in various orders, enhancing the narrative.

20 Fun Group Photo Ideas for Small & Large Teams

photography, street photography, WORKING THE SCENE - HUTONGS

Evaluation of one of my photos in the red contact sheet

This photo was taken in the Chinese hand-made jewelry shop in Hutong.

My intention was to take photos of native people working in Hutong. To meet my goal, I used the balance of light and color and focused on the main object. I approached quite far from the shop to capture the full background. My photo demonstrates the woman, who plays the role of the main object, to capture the moment when she was operating a grinding wheel or mortar and pestle to make jewelry. The balance of light and color in the background adds on to the beauty and warmness theme of the overall photo.

Overall, I am satisfied with my photo because I succeeded in taking photos of working people with a nice and clear background. However, one challenge was adjusting the clarity of the image; I was panicking because I didn’t get good photos or was rejected by a lot of people, which made me take photos rushing without any adjustment. Next time, I should be more patient.