I read the book called “Trapped” by Marc Aronson. This book is about the 33 miners got trapped in San José, Chile and the progress of being rescued. It describes geographic information and vivid situations and actions miners had during being trapped. It also has some resources and pictures to show the story more understandable.
I really enjoyed this book because it had a lot of geographical information and showed the serious situation by showing some pictures. I also found out some central ideas that could be
When I read this book, the central idea came up to my mind: When people are in serious situation, they tend to be more bonded to survive.
Through reading this, I realized that people tend to be more collaborative and closer when they are in danger. Throughout the pages, the miners always collaborated and become one’s supporter. They always had a meeting about being safe, following their own roles and rules, and comforting the other when they were about to lose their minds and hopes. These kinds of behaviors could lead to people being more calm and safe.
The other central idea I found was never losing hope.
Even though miners were in urgent problem, they tried their best to survive. They always endured by thinking of their family. Every miners became one’s supporter. Because of this, no one could lose their hopes, and as a result they could all be safe.
That is it for my blog. Thanks to everyone who read through all of this. Again, “Trapped” is a really good book so I recommend you to read it.