Develop Ideas through Investigation, photography


Pictorialism changed the overall recognition of photography. Before, photography was only treated as a simple record of reality, but soon there was a claim that photography should be advanced as a true art form. Pictorialism lasted from 1885 to 1915, which was enough time for the definition of photography to be changed as those wanted. Pictorialism focuses on patterns of light and shade, blurring detail, and compressing space, similar to art alongside painting and drawing. (Link to the example photo: )

Straight photography attempts to depict a scene or subject in sharp focus and detail. It is a bit different from pictorialism though; while pictorialism focuses on the main subject by blurring the background, straight photography emphasizes and engages with the camera’s own technical capability to produce images sharp in focus and rich in detail. Straight photography was popular among photographers because it celebrated the truth and beauty found in everyday life and nature. By refraining from altering images, photographers aimed to connect viewers with the world around them. It aimed to inspire a deeper appreciation for the ordinary. (link to the example photo: )

Edward Weston started to sharpen the straight photography before his trip to New York. He took pictures of people, objects, and buildings, which appeared to represent the true nature of his subjects.

Aaron Siskind started to take pictures of found objects that were simultaneously true-to-life and abstract. He was one of the first photographers to combine what was known as “straight” photography with abstraction.

Andreas Gursky‘s pictures do not have a specific subject or object in focus and test the boundaries of photography by composing works mostly in the studio, digitally creating spaces and scenes that never existed. This means that Gursky can be classified as straight photographer.

Uta Barth‘s pictures focus on a specific subject or object and makes the background blurry. This means that Barth  can be classified as pictorialism.

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