This is the video Caroline, Christina, and I made for our last film project of the year. Click here to watch!
This is the video Caroline, Christina, and I made for our last film project of the year. Click here to watch!
The trip was fun and a good experience because we learned a lot of new things and knew each other more. There were many activities during the two days and they were all enjoyable. The bamboo activities were fun and I also learned how to use a campus in the navigation training activity. The pasta made by our group tasted really good. Downtime was fun with my tent mates and it was fun although there wasn’t much to do in the tent. In the morning it was extremely cold. The breakfast and lunch were filling. The scavenger hunt on the second day was fun and my team got second place which was nice. The bathrooms were also okay but very stinky and I would choose not to go to them if I don’t need to.
Humanist Beliefs by daisy
The first song I plan on listening to on my speaker is probably a random song in my “favourite songs” playlist because the playlist is full of my favourite songs. If I could start over from the beginning, when I colour the start of my Christmas tree, I would make the yellow-ness brighter and not too yellow like right now cause the yellow right now looks too yellow. Also, I would make the tree trunk a darker shade of brown because the brown right now is not dark enough. I think the most important decision I made in this project is using the green permanent marker to draw the leaves/branches because if I didn’t do that then I feel like it would look kind of empty and fake.
My success is that my design is 85% what it was planned to be. My what I struggled the most with was probably the part where you put your design together because I had all these pieces and they were totally messed up so I did not know how to glue it up. Sometimes after I glue it up, it ends up being wrong so I break it up and re-glue it. Something I’d like to change about my prototype is that I would make it smaller because the size right now is kind of big and not really easy to carry around (it’s not a good size where it could fit in your bag or something). One piece of feedback I’ve gotten on my prototype is that when you open it up, you couldn’t really tell what it is. Overall, I think my prototype was okay because I think if I explain to a person what it is they would understand what it is and what it’s for.
If i did this again, one thing I would do differently is I wouldn’t use duct tape because it doesn’t really work/stay on and the air somehow destroys it every single time so Eva and I have to fix it everytime. During the process, me and my partner worked really well and we laughed a lot but we still got our work done. My biggest success was that at last Eva and I found a way to hold the pieces together with hot glue and it didn’t break again. Overall, I think this product was successful because on the final day when the fourth graders came, it didn’t really break because we ended up hot gluing some parts to make it stable. My favourite part was breaking it because it was so satisfying (haha).
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