
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Diego’s journal

Link of Sway:


Diego is a 30 year old worker and he is sick about Diaz’s dictatorship

Historical Conflict:

Diaz’s dictatorship

Plan San Luis Potosi

Diaz detained Madero

War between Diaz and Madero

Madero come to power

Huerta betrayed  Madero

Death of madero

Plan Alyala


Attention Economy

The Attention Economy recommends things you like and cares about. For example, if you search for cars every day, the app will make you see more car videos and try to attract you and make you addicted to spending more time on the app. This system is widely used in many apps like TikTok, Instagram, Google, YouTube also many other apps, people will give more attention to the things they care about and like, according to Tristan Harris, Google employee of the center for humane technology, he said this “the amount of the total attention in the world isn’t growing. We only have so much in our lives, we can’t save up or put it in a bank.”

How can we avoid this and not be addicted? A time log can help you organize your time and record what you should do at what time. For example, you can check if you have completed everything, and which task or assessment will take the most time in order to organize a whole-day plan. When you stick to a daily plan, you can ensure that you don’t miss anything important. You won’t have much time to think about your phone because you’ll have so many other things to do, and most of the time you’ll want to watch your phone when you’re bored, but if your entire day is packed with activities, you won’t have much time to think about your phone; this way, you can manage your phone and time better.

Button Button




In this article there is a external conflict between person VS society.

The Lewis family is relatively poor. Now there’s a chance to make a fortune, but at the expense of strangers’ lives. With this money, many wishes of the Louis family can be realized.

[110]“Fifty thousand dollars, Arthur,” Norma interrupted. “A chance to take that trip to Europe we’ve always talked about.”

“Norma, no.”

“A chance to buy that cottage on the island.”

It can be seen from the evidence that Norma has many wishes that she wants to fulfill, but she cannot fulfill them because of lack of money. If they press the button and get the money, the wish can be fulfilled, reflecting the external contradiction.

For my graphic design I used a picture of the story, this story support my story of button button and my picture is about button.







A button, making a stranger life.

With the push of the button, her lover fall to the ground.

Welcome to Your New Blog!

When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have the following:

  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

Click on the images below to learn more about blogging:



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