
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Reflect & Share

Give an overview of your design process, sharing the product & your learning?

First, I paired up with my friend William for this project, we searched through a couple of websites and decided to make a basketball shooting toy.  Then, we brainstormed ideas on how are we going to execute all the mechanisms and the toy itself.  After half a class of brainstorming, we decided to have 3 parts of mechanism in the shooting, rim-movement, and the figure spinning. All of these mechanisms are meant to demonstrate the force changes (electricity, elastic, potential, mechanic, kinetic). Our final design ended up in a basketball shooting game that had a moving rim, a rotatable shooter, and a launching button. The process of building this toy is the most enjoyable part, we had to collaborate as a team in order to complete it. On the first day of the building, we made the outside case and the base of the toy and started searching for materials that could be used for the mechanisms. The second day was focused on the mechanisms, we managed to complete 2 out of the 3 mechanisms needed. Unfortunately, we missed the remainder of classes because of the ISAC basketball tournament, so we weren’t able to complete our project. Throughout this designing and building experience, I have learned about the importance of planning, if it wasn’t because we have planned how we will make our mechanisms, we wouldn’t have been as successful when building them. Other skills I learned were to work as a team, use the tools in the design space, and ways to easily and effectively cut wood. 

Use the rubric & your own success criteria to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the product.

Our toy’s strengths are, it is easy to play with, has moving features, is durable/hard to break, and stable. But these strengths also lead to some weaknesses/limitations. For example, the stableness and stiffness lead to this toy being unportable or hard to carry. Also, because we have a lot of mechanisms, this toy is extremely hard to make and that might be another weakness of our toy. 

Explain how and why your toy/device meets the design specifications.

We haven’t completed our design so technically we have failed all our criteria because the toy is not completed. But for the parts that we have completed and will not change even if our toy is built, we have met all the criteria we set for ourselves. We have spring in the launching“ device (first criterion), we used only 1 motor (second criterion), we used only wood outside the mechanisms (third criterion), our toy only needs 5 steps to play (fourth criterion), our toy could be competed with by having scores (fifth criteria), and lastly our toy is very hard to break, the wood is very thick and all the mechanism are protected by boxes. 

Other reflections: What are you most proud of? What was most challenging?

I am most proud of the fact that we came up with all of the ideas and use of mechanisms in our toy. But with all of these ideas and thoughts comes with consequences of executing them. As I just said, the most challenging part of this design process is the building especially learning to use the tools and the amount of detail in this design. 

Create & Improve

Reflect on your prototype. What were some strengths? What needs refinement?

First of all, we didn’t complete our prototype nor did we even have a prototype so this would be on our final product.  The strength of our design would be our mechanism designs, we have a lot of mechanisms that make our product easy and fun to play with for kids.  But if we were to redesign our toy, we probably would decrease the amount of mechanisms we have because it made our toy hard and time-wasting to make. 

Outline the feedback you received from peers. Share some changes you will make as a result of this feedback.

Most of the feedback was about how complicated our toy was and how hard it is to make. So some changes that we will make would be to make our design easier to make so we wouldn’t end up not finished. 

Include photos of your prototype and details of the feedback received.

Develop & Plan

Explain how you used design thinking practices to arrive at this iteration of your toy/device.

We thought about how our design connects with our purpose, client, and environment. Our purpose is to make a toy that shows that converts energy, we convert elastic energy (elastic band)  to potential energy and kinetic energy then to mechanic energy. Our toy is made specifically for our client, which is elementary school students. We have made the toy simple, durable, and safe when used correctly. Lastly, our toy is completely environmentally friendly apart from the used motors that we got from other people’s designs. 

Share your design concept.
***Show photos, measurements, materials, & techniques needed for construction.


Develop a detailed plan for creating the preferred design, including success criteria.

Day 1 Feb 20, Complete the blog post and finish the drawing/blueprint of the toy.

Day 2 Feb 21 (no class), prepare materials that we will need so we could start directly. (We will come on dragons time to start making the base)

Day 3 Feb 22, finish the base of our toy, and start working on other parts of our product.

Day 4 Feb 23 (no class)

Day 5 Feb 24, William and I will not be at school because of ISAC.

Day 6 Feb 28 Complete the final toy, gather feedback and make changes if needed.


Design Specifications: 

  1. Our toy must include 1 spring.
  2. Our toy must have less than 2 motors
  3. Our toy should use all recyclable materials apart from the motors and springs
  4. Our toy has to be played with within 8 steps
  5. Our toy must be able to be competed with
  6. Our toy bust be durable/hard to break


Define & Inquire

What is the purpose of your device/toy, how does it function, and who is your user?

The purpose of my design is to make my client have fun, we hope that our toy brings joy to the community. We are planning to make a mini-basketball shooting toy, it would be a Minifigure that will be able to launch a basketball by using an elastic band/spring, just like a slingshot. My clients are most likely kids from Elementary School meaning that my product should be safe, simple, easy to use, and not easy to break. 


What is the environmental impact of your product and is it durable and safe?

This toy produces no waste apart from changing elastic bands/springs and the raw materials used to make it. It is safe to play with when it is played in the correct way, but if kids decide to pull out the slingshot and shot someone, it might be dangerous. So, we will make the slingshot and base attached to prevent kids from using the slingshot incorrectly. 


What precedents inspired you? What did you take away from them & how did it inform your choices?

I am a basketball player and I got inspired to make this toy by the shooting part of a basketball. I changed shooting in real life to make a small toy that performs the shooting motion. 


How are you making your product original and/ or using creativity?

I am using creativity by making something that exists (in real-life basketball shooting), and making something that is new but inspired by this but mainly different. I’ve also added unique features to my product such as a Minifigure that is used as the shooter/slingshot.

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