
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Humanities

French Revolution In PLAIN English


This video was created for a Humanities group activity which was made by Thomas, Winston and John. The video overall talks about what 1789-1799 French Revolution looked like back then, but in a Common Craft video style. It is split into 3 parts, introduction, major events, conclusion. We as a group really worked hard on this (planning, videotaping, finalizing) so it is very diverting to watch, amongst the background music and this atmospheric feeling combined with simple explanations you can learn the 1789-1799 French Revolution only in 3 minutes! Don’t forget to leave a comment and share this with people around you, we hope you enjoyed it!

Question to think about: has another revolution went out like the French one at the start?


-Causes of the revolution: the Estate System, absolutism, Enlightenment ideas, food shortages, war, bankruptcy.

-Major events: storming of the bastille, royal’s unsuccessful escape, the reign of terror, war with Austria, king and queen’s death.


0:00-0:22 John Talks

0:23-2:47 Thomas Talks

2:47-3:11 Winston Talks

3:12-3:24 John Talks


-Script: Idea mostly by Winston

-Filming + Editing: Done by Thomas

-Audio: John

(If you read until here you won amongst all viewers :D)

Shackles From The Deep

My book club book is called Shackles From The Deep, written from Michael Cottman. The main topics in this book are Tracing the Path of a Sunken Slave Ship, a Bitter Past, and a Rich Legacy.  From the book Shackles From The Deep, it shows slavery and racism rapidly throughout the book. For example, encountering the world’s oldest slave ship discovery, and certainly the oldest in North America, the Henrietta Marie and its bounty of watch bell, iron cannon, and iron shackles helped shed light on the inhumane industry that ripped West Africans from their homes.


About the infographic, I wrote about 4 main facts about Humanism.  The first main belief about Humanism was Classical Texts, my ranking for this fact would be 5, because it almost includes all the information back then, and was all about contemporary thoughts. The second main belief about Humanism was Literature,  it mainly developed in Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries. The third main belief was Science, it started during the early 17th centuries. The last main belief about Humanism was Art, it produced during through the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries. My rankings for Literature, Science and Art would be 4, because they all include in Classical Texts, by which I included them in the infographic because I wanted to explain them in detail and clearly.

Thank You M’am (Found Poem)

This found poem is located in the story “Thank You M’am“, from paragraph 1 until paragraph 7. The author of this story is Langston Hughes, created in 1958. There happens to be an internal conflict in this poem, which is Man vs. Himself. An evidence from the text to support my thinking would be that Roger hesitates for a moment, struggling about will he choose to stay or run away—  “whereupon she turned him loose—at last. Roger looked at the door—looked at the woman—looked at the door—and went to the sink.”

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