Starting point

STARTING POINT:Abstract photography can be defined as capturing images in which the subject isn’t the most interesting element. Albert Renger-Patzsch and Aaron Siskind photographed the ordinary to reveal their beauty. Uta Barth reversed the typical use of the camera, shooting out of focus and Andreas Gursky photographs the repetition of elements. During this unit, you will investigate appropriate examples of abstract photography and respond in your own way.

My initial thoughts on abstraction is that it is a way of capturing ordinary subjects in a unique way that makes this seem more intriguing that is was before. In addition, I believe that abstract photography allows us to perceive things in daily life in ways we have thought about before.

Context – its about the title

“Wrong!” Can a ‘bad’ picture ever be ‘great’?

Most times, the relationship between the audience and the photographer is a one way street. The audience doesn’t have any insight or knowledge on the process or thought put into the photo and can only objectively judge the composition based off the final outcome (how the photo looks). Consequentially, the audience might not get the the intended meaning the photographer is trying to convey, hindering the photo’s value and impact. This is why context– in forms of a blurb, title, personal explaination, etc.– it very important in helping the an audience subjectively perceive a photograph.

Take Baldessari’s ‘WRONG’ as an example. At first sight with out the title, it may look like a very low quality, mundane, and vexing photo since it defies so many obvious rules and techniques in photograph: it is not cropped properly, nothing is centered, very blurry etc. However, the blatant judgment of the photo ‘Wrong’, makes the ‘mistakes’ and ‘flaws’ of the photo much more appealing. We start to ask ourselves: why must we conform to the practical aspects of photography and art?

Thus, any photo or art work can be so much more powerful with the addition of context…even if it’s just on word.

Works Cited

“Context – its about the title – Blog Post 1” ISB, Accessed 22 August 2024.

Baldessari, John “Wrong” Photograph. Dragon’s Exchange, ISB. Accessed 22nd August 2024,, 22 August 2024.


Mexican revolution journals

The protagonist in the journal, Mateo is a 14 year old middle class man’s son living in rural Mexico City. He is used to being spoiled by his parent and has always been taught to look down at peasant and praise the corrupt dictatorship of Diaz. The current revolution is resented by his parents, making it a struggle for him to take sides. He later discovers the truth about the corrupt Mexico through a Peasant’s son, Sebastian and his beliefs starts to change as he matures.


Please Scroll down in the sway book


After Obergon signed into his presidency, he brought almost all the people’s ideologies to friendly terms. Universal education, was establish after creation of the Ministry of Public Education which was run by Jose Vasconcelos. The Ministry of public education expanded literacy campaigns into the rural sections of Mexico and used the arts(such as Murales de la Secretaría de Educación Pública), which continued to  strengthen Mexico’s culture identity. The constitution also gave workers the right to organize labor unions and to strike. It also provided protection for women and children, the eight-hour day, and a living wage.  After the revolution, the government redistributed over half of its surface area in the form of ejidos: farms of individual and communal plots that were granted to a group of petitioners.

All though many were given granted with land they fought for, conflicts still occurred between the two sides of peasants and past landowners.

The right to own arms was still maintained after the revolution (till today, many Mexican cities like Guatemalan protect right to own guns for home-defense ), making it easily for robberies and assassinations.

The Mexican Revolution in Plain English

The Mexican Revolution started in 1910, when civilians began to question the rule of Porfirio Díaz, who had been in power since 1877, a term called El Porfiriato. Diaz violating the principles and ideals such as unequal distribution of land, entrenched economic inequality, and undemocratic institutions. In 1908 Diaz said that welcomed the democratization. Months later, he enrages Mexico with his hypocrisy once again by running for his seventh reelection as president in 1910. Francisco Madero, an idealistic liberal from an upper-class family, kicks starts the beginning of the revolution. He directly contradicts Diaz by running for the election resulting in his imprisonment. Following the illegal election, rebels start to rise from all parts of Mexico.

A number of civilians through out Mexico, led by revolutionaries including Francisco Madero, Pascual Orozco, Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata, participated in the long and bloody conflict.

Click below to see the mexican revolution unravel.

The Mexican revolution common craft video


Unbroken notebook pages

The book “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand tells the true story of Louis Zamperini, a former Olympic runner and devout christian. Louies is introduced as a mischievous child, discovering his passion for running, he became a new person. War struck America leading, to multiple unfortunate events for Louie: he survived a plane crash in the Pacific ocean, spent 47 days drifting on a raft, and later survived two and a half years as a prisoner of war (POW) in three Japanese POW camps where he was severely abused. After the war, Louies suffers from extreme PTSD and learns the importance of forgiveness.

Throughout , the author illustrates the incredible strength and resilience hat Louie possesses, as he withstands torture, deprivation, and unimaginable suffering at the hands of his captors.

Despite the constant barrage of abuse and hardship he faces, Louie never gives up hope, and he continues to fight for survival every day. He is able find meaning and purpose even in the darkest of circumstances.

Overall, Unbroken is an unforgettable story of a man’s journey into extremity. It conveys leadership lessons on perseverance, courage, teamwork,  faith, and forgivness, that we should all learn and apply in our lives.

Humanist values and where I stand

During the Renaissance, one of the main beliefs and philosophies people worshiped was humanism. This beliefs consisted of the ideas of human flourishing and the values of human dignity. Humanism believers or humanist promoted this idea and influenced other with it. The main values of humanism is Individualism. The idea of humanism it centered around individualism, the idea of separating one from the crowd as one unique individual. This is one of its main values humanism is centered around because humanists believed that human individual are capable of great accomplishment. I high aline with this value because I believe that emphasis personal freedom is very important. Secularism is also a very important value of humanism because it complement on importance of the diversity of education provide to citizens with out the bias of religion. I give this value of 4 because it is very important to have am unbiased education but at the same time, religion can teach us very powerful lessons as well. The importance of education to all is connects with the value of quality of education to all citizens. I give this a 5 because education and knowledge is most vital when it comes to being able to live in modern society.  The value of citizens, connects to individualism but focuses more on the worth of the citizen themself rather than the capability of each. It is still equally as important and I give this value a 5. Lastly the study of ancient text. Humanist thought that the review of past text would help us with understanding and improving the present. I don’t really aline with this though however because usually study the same methods over tends to restrict the creativity of the present general although it can give us insight.

Overall, I rate my self 4/5 of a humanist.

River of uncertain emotions

The found poem, a multimedia product I created for the page 4 of the short story “The Bass the river and Sheila Mant”  by WD Wetherell  .This story portrays a boy who falls in love with this girl, Sheila Mant. (As explained in page one) Gradually, he gathers up the courage to ask her out, offering to go to a fair with her by canoe. As they get on to the canoe, he slowing learns that Sheila hates fish as quoted on page 3. “―I think fishing’s dumb, she said, making a face. ―I mean, it’s boring and all. Definitely dumb.” Failing to throw he equipment out board, a huge bass hooks on to his fishing rod, a catch that he would only encounter few times in his life. He is split in half between keeping the fish and hiding the fact that he fishes to impress Shelia. 

The found poem clearly represents this conflict with the words “desperate” and “frantic” is wondering whether or not he should keep the fish on the line. The repetitions of the word “hesitating” portraying his love for both Sheila and the bass, showing that he’s conflicted which he should keep. Both of these loves are a tug on his heart. In the poem, these “tugs” keeping conflicting, getting stronger and out growing each other. The color used around the areas of these tugs in the heart emphasize the conflict between each side. These highlights are use especially at the climax when the moon shines on Sheila and the Bass starts to tug harder on the rod.(Yellow represents the love for Sheila and blue represents the desire to keep the bass) To further highlight the conflict, I use the words “torn apart ” and split in half together. As Sheila’s tug overthrow the basses tug eventually as she “stretches lazily into the sky” the protagonist cuts the string and is over flowed with regret. The regret is represented in the word “nauseous” as he watches the rod unbend. 

Art I chose for this story clearly portrays the conflict since it reflects on where the conflict takes place (a canoe in the river at night washed in moon light). In the work of art you can also notice that there is cracked heart next to Sheila and the Bass highlighted in blue and yellow. (Like previously mentioned, “Yellow represents the love for Sheila and blue represents the desire to keep the bass”) like in the story and poem, he is torn apart and the broken heart represents that. In the  piece of art, there is also a moon clearly drawn shining upon Sheila. This is very important because the moon was the factor that intensified the conflict, because it accentuated Sheila’s beauty that is was hard for the protagonist to resist to cut the string. 

“The moon was out now. It was low and full enough that its beam shone directly on Sheila there ahead of me in the canoe, washing her in a creamy, luminous glow. I could see the lithe, easy shape of her figure. I could see the way her hair curled down off her shoulders, the proud, alert tilt of her head, and all these things were as a tug on my heart. ” page 4

The art work of my found poem also relfects on the theme of the short story(which heavily reflects of the internal conflict), not letting your love of something be overshadowed by anything else. In this case, the main character is blinded by love towards Sheila as is conflicted with the intervining hobby of fishing. The art shows this with the over all misty and blurry feel of the sky, light and water. All of this represents the counfusing and inteneral unclarity of the main character. This uncertainty and regret of emotions (theme of conflict)was also captured in the last segment of the poem. “Sheila’s tugging claimed me, a mistake “

Made with IBIS paint

Short story pdf:

“The Bass the river and Sheila Mant”



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