When you think of Revolutions, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Chaos? Violence? New governments being replaced by another? Well, the Mexican Revolution is the combination of all of them. Can you believe it?  Throughout the 10 years of absolute chaos and bloodshed, there were 5 different presidents! Just like in the picture, the whole entire Mexican Revolution was filled with power-hungry dictators and revolts/battles that was lead by people who were angry with what the dictators were doing.  During the 10 years of fighting, major reforms were also established. For example, new and better educations for the people was established, there were also new social reforms made after the Revolution. But on the other side, a lot of the continuities were also pasted down after the revolution which also shaped the Mexico we know today. For example, the guns given to the people during the revolutions were not immediately taken back, therefore leading small problems after the Revolution. In this video, you will learn all about the chaotic, yet interesting Mexican Revolution in just 6 minutes!

The Mexican Revolution In Plain English Video:   https://tube.isbonline.cn/video/The-Mexican-revolution-in-plain-english/01e98238d35a3569f680f741724f9533          (Sorry, I could not upload the video into this post, there seemed to be some technical difficulties… Please copy and paste the link into search to see the video, sorry for the inconvenience.)

photo citation: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Next%21_%28Homer_Stinson%29.jpg