The first picture is pretty straightforward, we can see the element of “lines” dividing the two sides into half. On the left, I took a photo of the selling’s light and the dark spaces beside it. I would say my image “worked out” compared with the drawing because it’s a pretty straightforward line divide method and because that I also used black and white to capture these photos.
The second picture is taken in a hallway, of a sign. I intentionally blurred the background and used black and white lens to try to replicate the drawing on the right. We could see the element of shapes in the drawing. I would say I did a mediocre job, the image didn’t 100% work out because the focus is not blurred enough.
The third picture is taken outside the field, it is a picture of the grass outside. I figured that the grass’s Intensive pattern would resemble the drawing. We could see the elements of pattern and texture because there are a reoccurring pattern of dots in the grass, and the roughness of the texture. I would say that this worked out because the texture and patterns of the grass is very similar with the drawing.
The forth picture is a picture of the pipes on the ceiling. We could see elements of “pattern” and a bit of “lines” represented in the pictures. When I was looking for things that had patterns like the drawing on the right, I looked up and saw the three pipes and realized that the pipes resembled the drawing. However, I would say that the photo mildly worked because there are other structures beside the three pipes.
The fifth picture is taken outside on the field of two trees. We could see the clear element of “Line” in the picture. I would say it worked 75% because of the other structure and objects around the two trees, but overall it works out.
The sixth image is a picture of the back of a computer. We would see the element of “Shape”. Because it is only one shape, I thought it would resemble the drawing on the right. Now looking back and seeing the picture again, I would still say that expect for the fact that the photo is not 100% a circle, it worked.
The seventh photo is a picture of the floor outside of the film studio. We could see elements of “Pattern”, “Line” and “Texture”. I would say that comparing the photo with the drawing, it worked, because the pattern of the lines are the same with the drawing and it fits the scene.
The eighth picture is a photo of the stone pavements outside the design center. I was walking outside looking for things that looked like the drawing, and the answer was on the ground all alone. We could see the element of “Pattern” represented in the photo. I’ll be harsh and say that this one did not completely work, because the drawing is a synchronized pattern of circles, and the photo is just not in a very consistent pattern.
The ninth photo is taken outside of the field, behind a football goal net. We could see clear elements of “Pattern” and “Line”. The lines on the net creates a pattern that resembles the drawing on the right. I would say that this photo worked because the pattern of the football goal net matches the drawing and the background of the picture is also blurred which gives more resemblance.
Now, the tenth photo is one of my proudest pictures out of the twelve. It is a picture of an empty dark room with a beam of light escaping the barrier of the door. We could see elements of “Texture” and “Tone” in the picture. I would say that after adjusting with the camera for a long time and finding the perfect angle to capture the photo, it worked because of the similar cuts and lightings between the drawing.
The eleventh picture is also one of my proudest pictures out of the twelve. It is captured the same way as how number 10 is captured. We could again see elements of “Texture”, “Tone”, and now even “Focus”. As you can see this time, I also shifted the focus of the camera to the beam of light in front to create a dynamic feeling in the picture, making the end of the beam of light feel mysterious and a sense of into the unknown… Moreover, I would say this worked because it matches the drawing’s cuts and tone distributions.
And finally, the twelfth picture is also one of my proudest pictures out of the twelve (saving the best three for last). I was looking all over the school to find number 12’s bizarre patterns, and when I looked down, I saw the cafeteria’s wooden floor and suddenly got inspired by its unique pattern. In this photo, we could see elements of “Line” and “Pattern”. I think that the patterns of the lines in number 12 is pretty hard to replicate, so I would say that my photo worked because It was pretty close with the drawing and the idea was pretty creative .
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