The Bomb, written by Steve Sheinkin, is a book about the evolution of developing the world’s most dangerous weapon(at that time), the Atomic Bomb. The author uses historical informations and quotes from the people at that time to tell the story of the Atomic Bomb and how it was created. In 1938, a Germany physicists named Otto Hahn first discovered the possibility of creating the principle of the atomic bomb. In the first of September 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany, and World War 2 stared. World War 2 caused fear and mistrust between the people, especially physicist and government officials from the two global supper power, USA and the Soviet Union. Because Nazi Germany had this technology, the Allied countries also stared developing the atomic bomb. Both sides knew the destruction that the atomic bomb would create and that if it is used in the wrong hands, the outcome of the war would be changed. So, now the race is on! This is the race of creating and stealing the worlds most powerful and dangerous weapon that could change the entirety of the war’s outcome — the atomic bomb. I would recommend this book, because not like any other boring informational texts (No offense), the author uses real historical events and quotes that shapes the character in this book. It uses connection though out the story and makes the story interesting and fun to read.
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