The title of my project will be “Insecurity and Beauty.” After COVID-19, our world has entered an “anxious generation,” where children feel absolute insecurity and discomfort when facing people and communicating in person. The chase for fake beauty on social media has led to body dysmorphia. It is interesting how social media can change a child’s psychological thoughts in such a short period. It is funny how the algorithm on social media makes children inhumane. It is so frustrating how social media is changing the beauty standards of children, making society lose eternal beauty and appreciation for the surroundings. I want my audience to realize that beauty isn’t from the first looks; it all comes from the heart, emotions, and attitude. Leave the fake social media life behind and let yourself shine from the inside out. A person’s looks may not satisfy the beauty standards on social media, but affection and heart can make the world a better place. Be more confident, inspiring, engaging, kind, and unique. As an inspiration, I’ll look at photographs that express dominant facial expressions such as a gazed eye, low brows, and weak chins. Also, body features such as muscular, straight postures, and firm stances, and body language such as adopting open and erect stances. Lastly, the theme of the clothes and background should be primary colors like red, yellow, or orange to express dominance. I want photographs that express dominance to show that everyone has specialties and values, so don’t fear the beauty standards on social media, and be confident and express eternal beauty.
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