
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: Cuban Revolution

Cuban Revolution Journal. What changed and what didn’t?


What changed:

After the revolution, there were a lot of changes. firstly, Castro established an education and literacy program, that pulled up literacy to nearly 100%. He even made a universal healthcare program, which still stands today. Moreover, the society in Cuba became more equal. Unlike Cuba when Batista was in power, Castro shared lands with poor people. Even though middle-class Cubans lost their land, other poor Cuban’s life went way better.

People who wanted to keep their money left Cuba. As a result, almost all the professors and skilled workers left Cuba.


What stayed the same:

The economy didn’t go better. Cuba was still relying on sugar or other big countries like the U.S. or USSR.

There was a labor camp and Castro killed anyone who opposed the revolution or new government to keep his power. It was similar to how Batista kept his power. Using force.


Was the revolution worth it?

No. Compared to the sacrificed lives and hard work Cuban citizens have done, there wasn’t a lot of changes happened. After the revolution, it is undeniable that society for poor people went better, but only poor people got the advantages. Moreover, the economy didn’t go better, and still had a dependency on sugar. This led Cuban citizens to leave Cuba and move to the U.S.

What Happened During the Cuban Revolution?

1952, after Batista’s military coup, Batista held power in Cuba. During Batista’s reign, Cuban citizens’ lives were harsh. Only a few people had all the money and power. The majority of people in Cuba were starving or suffering from hunger. Moreover, the economy and land were controlled by the U.S. People wanted freedom and to end the dictatorship. Under the young lawyer, Fidel Castro’s leadership, people gathered to overthrow the Batista’s government. In that process, many events happened, and our video introduces the key events that happened during the Cuban Revolution with entertainment. Including how those events affected Cuban citizens and even the society.

Joseph: Batista’s reign and Castro’s reign.
Joon: Castro attacking Moncada Barracks and Missile Crisis.
Steve: Spanish-American War and Castro coming back to Cuba from Mexico.

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