Remembering Fan Ho: 1931-2016: Digital Photography ReviewFan Ho: Master of photography | The Independent PhotographerFan Ho's Last Photography Book Digs into Vintage Hong Kong LifeRemembering Fan Ho, Hong Kong street photography master | CNNFan Ho: Master of photography | The Independent PhotographerDut9g FAN HO - Artists - Fine Art Photography Gallery in New York | Sous Les Etoiles GalleryWE Press 香港人出版 - Fan Ho Portrait of Hong Kong

  1. Line
  2. Contrast
  3. shape
  4. tone
  5. space


In Fan Ho’s photograph The Approaching Shadow. Fan Ho uses Line, Contrast, Shape, tone, and space to create a unique photograph that looks like it has multiple layers.

Remembering Fan Ho: 1931-2016: Digital Photography Review


I chose Fan Ho because he uses shadows to create to create a sense of mystery un his photographs. my statement of intent says that I want to find a photographer that utilises shadows in creative and innovative ways. Fan Ho does just that. He uses shadows to make a photograph have multiple layers and have a deeper meaning.


“Light is the soul of a photograph.”  This quote helps describe the photographs that he takes as a poetic description of the play on values that are illustrated and shown across all of Fan Ho’s work. In all of Fan Ho’s photographs he uses the contrast between light and dark to show his message throughout all of his photographs. He also uses the dynamic play of light to draw the viewers attention whatever he feel is most important which also emphasises his message.

Remembering Fan Ho, Hong Kong street photography master | CNN

I chose this photograph by Fan Ho because of how he played with the the shadows to make the image look intricate and mysterious. He elongated the shadows falling down the stairs to give a eerie sense of mystery. The use of space surprised me because of the edges of the photograph are pitch black mean while the middle is a mixture of black, grey, and white. His use of space and contrast creates a one point perspective and a illusion of depth in this photograph. One formal element that caught my eye first was the use of contrast in this photograph. Fan Ho uses the differences of light and dark to create abstract shadows and to create a one point perspective using the contrast between the black edges of the photograph compared tot he lighter middle. Also, the viewer is able to pin point the central light source that is outside of the photograph because of the contrast between light and dark. This photograph is abstract because it is up to the interpretation of the viewer to understand the meaning and the message of the photograph. Also, The viewer is given the chance to interpret the the darkened areas of the photograph and the areas outside of the parameters of the light.  I like how Fan Ho uses shadows and contrast to create a sense of mystery and abstraction to this photograph. He uses a ordinary scene but makes it more mysterious due to his play on light. Fan Ho has inspired me to modify my images, so I will focus on the light and how it creates shadows and add more contrast when I take photographs.