
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Uncategorized (page 2 of 2)


A building long forgotten to time, the roots and branches swerving through its strong brick walls. A building once with light, people with lives, now forgotten. What things and memories went away with this building and time. What was forgotten, and why does new life come from past ones?

I forgor

A single wall, torn and cracked, a contrast of the bright red and grey, a dream perhaps, maybe the chipping of oneself, the bottom bricks orderly, the wall you put in your mind to know where you are and what you are doing, the chipping showing deteriation, an older person forgets what and who they once were

REVISION Statement of intent

Decay and light


Message: This will show new types of almost gross lighting to strengthen the images of decay taken, showing rot and decay of architecutr and other things including these gross lighting tactics

Audience Response: I want my audience to feel intrested on how things can change texture wise and design, the point of these images are not so people can be like oh what a pretty view but rather the thought of look how nice that could of once been and how time has taken its toll on something completly altering and deforming whatever.

Inspiration: I will get inspiration and develop my ideas by looking for photographs that show growth and age on everyday things.

the main images will mostly be in dark lighting with a lot of rust or broken down things.

Image Abstract

I chose this image because I like how the pose looks like someones back while also keeping a veiny look and the colors are dim yet universe like and spotty, the most abstract out of the few not even looking like a human anymore.

I find it surprising how much the fungi has managed to grow on this image in particular because in many of the other images your like oh thats a person, but glancing or even staring you cant even tell what it is.

the thing that really draws me to this is the texture, it looks like roots, natural, while also looking like watercolors and wet.

I think the main thing thats important is the colors, the splashes of colors makes the image whole, just black and white it does not look close to as intriguing or nice

The photographs of this artist is abstract because of how hard it is to tell what they are half the time, the growth of a plant on a person makes it very hard to tell what your looking at or whats making the image appear that way.

I personally love the organic and life like feel, so intricate with a certain look I cannot explain, all the little lines.

I will copy this by doing the same with fungi but only taking pictures of industrialistic things for the clash of metal and organic while also being almost indistinguishable.

My definition of abstract photography

My definition of abstract photography. Abstract photography is a photo where the subject in not specifically clear or there just is not a subject. With the emphasis being more what makes up the image rather than the actual things in it like the cement rather thaqn the road. Using the elements around the photo to make something that does not look like what it is, such as a very close up of a building showing the shapes while not just being a picture of the building.

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