
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: WRONG! (page 1 of 2)

Final set street photographer

At first, I was trying to do up close images to show more emotion, but over some time I decided that showing all of a human in motion can purvey much more emotion than one facial expression ever could. So I focused on the feeling of hope and opportunity, and losing that, the bird representing opportunity,  I focused on mostly outlining how bright the birds are and how dark the people outside of their light are, and a lot of motion to show moving through time. Went with black and white to emphasize the lighting and the whiteness, as well as a grain affect because I think it gives it and older look and it looks cooler to me.

favorite/least favorite photo


The subject in this photo is the bird flying to the person holding out their hand. The image is black and white, I think making it black and white gave heavier emphasis on the whiteness of the bird as well as the lighting in the image.  Majority of the image is softer greys and blacks and white but the bird with the dark trees in the background creates harder lighting between the two. I made use of the movement of the bird mid-flight to create a moment where you feel much more immersed into the image, the image supposed to give a sense of hope, you the viewer being the hand and the bird being hope and prosperity.


Least favorite


This one was mostly focused on movement with softer tones again trying to give off a sense of going forwards, but in that I did not get a lot of things that I could have. Not much emotion coming from this one or at least not as much as their could have been. Also lack of the subjects face leaves for less emotion


Street photography first set



Although you cannot see it these photos were actually taken at a very high quality with a grain filter on. The main look of this was tired, and that seemed to have given up driving through the busy streets covered by fog. This shows classism through his tired look and overall demeanor. Dressed in his suit and hat for work, adding to the noir feel, as well as the grain. His work attire also shows a man unhappy with his day-to-day 9-7 job, low pay, and hard work fitting with the theme of classism. The colorful neon lighting fitting with the inspiration of past photographers taking pictures in the lit up streets if Hong Kong.


  1. Liam Wong

2. The main themes show dim very neon areas or bright images where you can tell its a dim area 

3. Many of the techniques used include wide shots showing the bright neon lights and cluttered city with usually 1-2 people as the focus.

4. I chose him because he really can show classism in the tight, claustrophobic apartment buildings with the cheap neon lights.


2. Greg Girard

The main themes are less edited and more raw, with much more focus on greenish light. Many older (1980s) Hong Kong Neon lights.

Chose Him More for his style and colors he uses, which are much more gritty, and what I am going for. Shows much dirtier areas/places.  The lighting also plays a big role in how it was perceived, unlike Liam Wong, who uses blues, reds, purples, and other colors that make the pictures feel almost futuristic. The use of green, fluorescent lighting makes the image feel outdated and dirty/cheap. Like you’re in a bad area. Which Correlates to my theme of classism. Also, neon lights are not as vivid as Liam Wong’s to show almost despair. Mostly dim colors.

Mood Board

Image inspirtation

These are all Wong Kar Wai shots from multiple movies that he has made

as well as another Noir based movie called Bladerunner 2049 similarly using bright neon yet dirty shots


Mind Map, Portraits

Some of my favorite movies are ones by quentin tarontino and Wong Kar Wai. I can replicate many of these shots by wide 0.5 lens shots of usually dirty things with a green florescent light kinda color. With a Noir look and heavy lighting especially around the eyes and many bright neon colors replicating the streets of Hong Kong.

2. Something I personally like are tight alley ways and other streets with lots of the bright lights that are still dirty in dirty areas. I can make a mysterious effect using these bright colors with the dirty backgrounds.

3. I think a feeling of giving up is something to give off. With many Noirs the character has usually given up with most things in life a sense of hopelessness finding out how much bigger things are than ourselves.

4.I think Classism is the main thing I want to target with these. The dirty slums  all around us that we lack to notice because of our own circumstances we do not see others.

I forgor

A single wall, torn and cracked, a contrast of the bright red and grey, a dream perhaps, maybe the chipping of oneself, the bottom bricks orderly, the wall you put in your mind to know where you are and what you are doing, the chipping showing deteriation, an older person forgets what and who they once were

This image is in 0.5 making the object in view almost giant. the one light being uncommenly used in professional photography making it unnatural and almost gross. the industrial structures surroudning the camera, a sense of hopelessness and distraught. Industrialization taking over. the big powerful machines being made bigger by the camera giving them a sense of long forgotten strength. The rust showing  a passage of time, even the strongest of things perish to time. The rust showing decay, decay leads to death or inevitability, inpermanance.

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