
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Photography (page 2 of 2)

30,10,3 best abstract photos

Seung-Hwan Oh






old look

little lighting

The photos show organic growth from plant life specifically fungi, and veiny in a way, as well as the colors from the fungi showing in vibrants reds, blues, and many other colors. All of the photos are as well portraits of people with the mold growing over. They also show a very old film look like an old movie, a great look to go with the bright colors of the fungi. Not a whole ton of lighting, the main colors and lighting come from the fungi itself nothing really from the photos.

I have chosen this photographer because I feel the organic colorful growth on the image has a lot of potential for many other photos and types of photos. As well as a unique look.



statement of intention V2

takes photos and stores the film in a warm and wet environment to encourage fungi to grow. This over images of mainly people and landscapes/architecture/industrial things mainly. I want the audience to feel kind of a state of organic clashing with industrialism and technology, the rusty steaming metal contrasting the organic fungi also obscuring it further.

Abstraction 4 & 5

Formal Elements refers to the eight visual parts line, color, form and shape, value, texture, space, and movement.

line: The use of lines to create visual interest and convey a message in an image. Lines can be used to direct the viewer’s attention, create a sense of depth and can even be used to create a sense of movement. such as a building having rows of windows making many or few lines.

shape: Shape in photography is just what it sounds like—a two-dimensional subject or object captured from behind the lens. A building, for example, is a rectangular shape, and the sun and moon are circular. Note that all of these shapes are two-dimensional—they don’t exhibit depth. Shape can be anything with any kind of shape such as the photo with the holes like the circles.

pattern: utilizes elements that are repeated. The repetition of lines, shapes, tones, or colours can create interesting images.  Another example is the holes on the wall repeating in a pattern of circles

texture: When talking about photography texture refers to the visual quality of the surface of an object, revealed through variances in shape, tone and color depth. Texture can be seen in things with very shown texture such as a tree branch and all the crevases.

tone: Tone refers to the levels of brightness in the photograph, from solid black to pure white. This can be seen in any one of my photos with the black and white showing the many in between grays and other tones.

focus: Focus refers to the main subject or what is in focus in the photo. This could be with only some of my photos as many are blurred and have no real focus, but one such as of the tree branch we can see the focus on the branchAn image can not just show one, something if has shape or texture it must have tone and same with the other ones.

This is the work of Aaron Siskind, some things that really jump out from his images are the black and whites being very ingrained into the image and very gritty, Tone and patterns playing the biggest roles in the majority of his images. Some things he might have found intresting is the very shown texture, the pattern or shapes, and the different colored that are splashed around it all.  The title I would give it is “Gritty life” this is something that seems to be some peoples everyday view as well as just the pure grittiness in the image I think it would make great sense.



My definition of abstract photography

My definition of abstract photography. Abstract photography is a photo where the subject in not specifically clear or there just is not a subject. With the emphasis being more what makes up the image rather than the actual things in it like the cement rather thaqn the road. Using the elements around the photo to make something that does not look like what it is, such as a very close up of a building showing the shapes while not just being a picture of the building.

ABSTRACT initial thoughts

Abstract photography looked difficult at first until you realized abstract photography is all around us such as in the lines, seems like most abstract photography focuses on the shapes and lines and more general rather than the actual things in the images. Making it so different people can see different things in the images. It said,”Abstract photography can be defined as capturing images in which the subject isn’t the most interesting element”  this means that rather than focusing on the people and building for example you focus on the shapes and lines and things that make up the image and other things around it that make it up to interpetation. However, my one question is  how far can we go before an image is considered not abstract?

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