
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

American Revolution Journal

We dumped the British tea into the harbor because they gave us high taxes, and they shooted us. they got mad and tried to starve us! After fighting us and not treating us equally, we decided to fight for independence! at last, we won after a battle in Yorktown, and the British gave us independence.


American Revolution

In our video of the American Revolution, we talked about the Stamp act in 1765, the British taxes about taring and feathering, the Boston Massacre in 1770, the Boston Tea Party, the Continental Congress in 1774, the Lexington war, and the Independence in 1776.

the 57 bus

The 57 bus is a book based on the storyline about a boy named Richard that sets fire on aanother person named sasha who wears a dress, the ideas in this book talk about racism and genders


This notebook page (day 9) shows the connections between the events that happen in this book (the bus 57) Richards actions connected to his race and how he was treaded and educated, and this all builds onto the central idea in this book, people get treated differently because of their race.

the notebook page of day 6 is a central idea summative, it has evidence that supports my central idea, people are being treated differently because of their race or skin color, in this book, Richard went to a school called Oakland High School, it says that 44 percent of the school is black or African American families, while barely any white families send their kids to go to school there, this shows how your wealth depends on your skin tone, it also mentioned that. there are very few black families in Oakland, but 75% of the prison was Africans.



Button Button Poem for Humanities

In this project I chose to use the essay called ‘Button Button’ for my words, I chose to surround the conflict of the story when. if you press the button someone will die, but you will get 50 thousand dollars.  I used the part when the two main characters argue either to press the button or not.  For the background, I chose a spooky picture with eyes staring because it shows the feelings in the story and how everything depends on you. I also added a picture of a murder scene because it related to the part that asks you if you would kill someone for 50 thousand dollars. for example in page108 the charechters had a big arguement on the butt.


Product Design PD6

Define & Inquire 

The product I made fixes the problem of not having enough space in your locker or having an unorganized space, it gives you more space in any magnetic place. 

Develop & Plan 

At first, I thought of making a cabinet that has magnets, but it takes way too much space and time, so I changed the idea of cabinet into a storage box. 

Create & Improve 

In this project I learned how to use Fusion and Light Burn, Fusion is an application where you can design your own product using different skills, for example the spline, constraint, and the circular pattern. 

Reflect & Share 

The first step in the whole process is to learn all the skills in Fusion and Light Burn, the most important skill I learnt in fusion was the spline for me, it helped a lot when I was drawing my pictures, the second step was to draw the panels for the product, this includes making the “fingers” for the panels, this step was mostly using rectangular patterns. The third step would be drawing the designs on the panels, then use Light Burn to tell the machine which parts are supposed to be cutted and which parts are drawn. The last step is to paint and add the accessories to the project.


Welcome to Your New Blog!

When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have the following:

  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

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