The Renaissance was mainly known as the era during the Middle Ages in which classical art, literature, and ideals were rediscovered from the ancient era. One of the many things that flourished during that time period was known as Humanism, a concept of thought. Humanism mainly focused on 4 things: Individualism, the belief that humans had unlimited potential, a skepticism of religious faith, specifically in Christianity, and a “reawakening” of many things founded back in the time of ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome. After some brief thought, I gave myself a 15/20 total score, which means that I’m ~75% a Renaissance era humanist. I do believe that many of Humanism’s practices and beliefs are completely valid, such as the mindset to improve oneself instead of serving a higher lord. With that said, I also disagree with some minor points, such as the major believe that humanity had “unlimited potential”. The word “unlimited” is a bit exaggerated by itself, so it might do to change it into something like “great”.