
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Humanities

The character I created for my journal entries is named Ethana Bruckner, she is 15 years old at the beginning of the journals. She grew up without a mother because of parent argument and divorce. Ethana’s father was abusive and an alcoholic. It was only Ethana and her father growing up, they grew up very poor and relying off the little amount of money that her father made as a janitor.  Ethana didn’t have many friends growing up because most people thought that she was mean and desperate for money and friends. When in reality she is a very sweet soul, and is very intelligent.


My blog post was from the perspective of a middle aged girl who lost her dad to the American revolution. She later on had to kill her lover because of the revolution as well. She wrote these journals to show her anger towards the fights because so many people had lost their loved ones because of the American revolution. I wanted to write something more personal for my character so it could connect to the reader more and give more of a journal effect. I added more of a dystopian feel to these journals because at the time of this event the world could never feel perfect or safe. I thought that adding a dystopian background would help outline that idea.






American Revolution for Dummies


The American Revolution

The American Revolution mainly consists of the American colonists and the British army fighting against each other for years. The French then joined the revolution to help the colonists. Now this revolution consists of lots of different events. Take the Boston Tea Party as an example, when the colonists dressed as Native Americans and snuck onto a British cargo boat to hijack around 1 million dollars worth of tea. Or Lexington in Concord, the first battle between the British and the colonists, this happened because the British wanted to confiscate the colonists weapons. As you can see this revolution consisted of many different battles, these did not stop until the late 1770s. The revolution was declared over after the peace negotiations so that the British  and Americans didn’t have to live with the uncertainty that war could break out at any moment.

For this video we wanted to show lots of examples of the different battles to emphasize the hatred and tension between the British and the colonists.

The Fatal Fever

“Fatal Fever” by Gail Jarrow packs in a good punch of information about a life threatening disease  including an intriguing story to keep you on your toes. In this book we learn about the deadly fever Typhoid, as well as a woman who was unknowingly spreading the disease around causing death after death. This story gives off a very dystopian time period, because at the time there was no solid vaccination for the illness causing it to feel like the world was crashing down. Mary Mallon plays a very important role in this book because she was the woman who tested a-symptomatic for typhoid and she refused to be tested without force which ending up causing herself more trouble in the future.

The goal I had in mind for my notes was to jot down a quick summary for each chapter and then look for some of the biggest central ideas.

The first page of notes a took was my summary of chapters one through five, this is when they were introducing some of the protagonists that come in later in the story such as-George Soper. This page of notes also shares the confusion people were having not knowing where typhoid was coming from nor did they not how to stop it.

The second page of my notes is my summary from chapters six through nine. These chapters were going more into depth about Mary Mallon and how she refused to comply with the authorities when asked to. After using force to get her into the hospital she caved in and her blood tests came back positive. Because Mary Mallon was being extremely difficult and disobeying officials orders they had to keep her in the hospital because they believed that if they trusted her to be safe by herself she would change her identity and run away. This note page helped show that Mary was very stubborn.

My third page of notes was where me and my bookclub members jotted down any central ideas that came to mind. You can see how they progress over time as we were reading. Our first central idea is the higher class people believed they had power over the lower class and could treat them worse. This idea came to mind when first reading about the officials forcing into testing without her consent only because she was a chef with didn’t compare to police officers at the time. Our other central idea is typhoid fever spreads rapidly and kills many. When was came up with this idea we were reading the part of the book where the narrator was telling the stories of some of the people lives which were brutally taken. A theme we came up with for this book is Comply to authorities when you and others health is at stake. We thought of this idea for our theme because of Mary Mallon, she had been spreading typhoid unknowingly for over ten years and when asked to stay away from people so she doesn’t continue to end the lives of innocent families she reacted terribly. She only did what was best for herself and didn’t consider other people. The last part of this page of notes is when we were finding a descriptive passage in our book and connecting it to our central idea. We chose page 56 which was describing how Mary Mallon looked before she was taken in by the officers, she looked perfectly healthy but had deadly cells inside her body.

The last page of notes I decided to include in this blog is my summative assessment discussing my central idea and using evidence and connections from the book. I used the idea of typohid fever spread rapidly and kills many because I think that it is very straight to the point but still can be connected the the book very smoothly. I also did this idea for my central idea because in fatal fever it mention how deadly typhoid really is and how easily it can transfer from one person to another.

Thank you so much for reading until the end of my blog, I hope you enjoyed!



Overall I am about 90% a Renaissance Humanist and this is because I strongly agree with majority of the points on my poster. I think that all the beliefs that the humanists had were valid and had very good reasoning behind them, though I felt that the “control of our lives” idea was giving too much freedom even though I strongly agree that we should have independence and free choice but I feel that there should be a limit to our freedom so that there isn’t as much conflict  between others resulting into major issues.

The Twisted Bully

The Twisted Bully


The found Poem that I wrote was from the novel “Tuesday of The Other June” on paragraphs 29-39. The Novel was written by Norma Fox Mazer. In my poem the conflict is person vs person as well as in the actual novel. The conflict is between two students names June, the protagonist in my poem is the student getting bullied while the antagonist is the bully. The rising action is when June continually gets bullied byJune and the other June is getting frustrated by it but doesn’t know what to do. In the story the June who gets bullied is a kind person who tried to ignore the other June while the mean June is very cruel, aggressive, and unkind. In my poem I tried to show this by making the mean June physically hurt her by twisting her fingers, and pushed her arms together so that she will come off as rude. But I also added the rude June’s mother as a strict mother that would get angry if June didn’t stop. My artwork I drew is somebody on the ground crying while the other person is stomping towards the crying person to bully them

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