The found poem above was from paragraph 5-45 of the text “Lamb to the slaughter” by Roald Dahl. The woman in the story was the antagonist, even though she’s the one narrating the story; and the husband is the protagonist. The reason the woman is the antagonist, in my opinion, is because she was the one that killed the husband (which usually a protagonist wouldn’t do). The main character, or the narrator, doesn’t have to be the protagonist.  

The main conflict in this found poem is person to person. This can be seen from when the husband said he is leaving her. As a result of him saying this, the woman reacted badly towards this, slammed onto the husband’s head with a leg of lamb, killing him.  

The reason I covered everything in black (other than the poem) is because I thought this matched the vibe the poem was giving off. It reminds me of darkness and horror.