In photography, “formal elements” are the set, specific components that make a photo interesting. These elements are:


  • Line
  • Shape
  • Repetition/Pattern
  • Texture
  • Value/Tone
  • Focus


For example, here is a photo that depicts these elements.


This is a photo taken by Daisuke Yokota, the name and date of which it was taken is unknown. The frames of the windows depict “lines” as they travel vertically and horizontally, outlining the windows and the room as well as creating a sense of balance on the floor through the collection of contrary line directions evening out throughout. This photo demonstrates shape by emphasizing the rectangular and square shapes through sharp edges around certain objects like the windows, the windows on the buildings outside the windows and the buildings themselves. A pattern of repetition is shown in the rectangular windows repeated across the middle and upper section of the photo, as well as a pattern in the square of lines weaving together. There is a smooth pattern all over from the flooring to the marble window frames, as well as a misty, foggy texture outside the windows and a grainy texture throughout the entire photo. Though most of the photo is a darker tone, there is some contrast between the softer lighting in the city against the darker of the flooring. There are multiple focuses including the dark clothed woman, the repeated windows, and the cluttered buildings in the background. These are the elements of photography demonstrated in one photo.