
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Capstone Project SDG#14 ‘Ocean in Peril’

American Revolution-The Journal to Freedom and Independence

This is the Journal of Matthew Ross, a former loyalist who lived in Boston, during the period of the American Revolution from 1767 -1783.

The American Revolution in Plain and UnBritished English.

America now is one of the most advanced and influential nations in the world, but did you know just less than 250 years ago America was under Britain’s control. Most Americans at the time were from Europe and believed themselves to be European, they were satisfied with their life until the British started the seven-year war with France. After the War Britain was in huge debt so they thought it was necessary to tax the colonists. But the Americans hated the taxes and started to rebel against Britain and that was the very start of the American Revolution.

Here is our video of the American Revolution in Plain English by Minghon, Hannah, Tiger, Isabel, Elin, Xavier.

Hurt but ‘Unbroken’

‘Unbroken’ by Laura Hillenbrand, describes Louis (Louie) Zamperini’s journey from a once famous American Olympian to a WWII airman to missing in the Pacific Ocean and finally a POW(prisoner of war) in Japan. This story shows the struggle and conflict that Louie had to face with remarkable details and descriptions. ‘Unbroken’ takes readers with Louie through a true, powerful story about survival, resilience, and redemption.

Keep scrolling through my blog to see some of the themes and central ideas I gradually discovered and developed in this incredible non-fiction masterpiece.

The first central idea I wrote was ” In the 1920s, there was prejudice against Italian immigrants“, but soon I realized that this central idea did not appear throughout the book, so I developed some new main central ideas over the next few lessons. I returned and added quotes and evidence later in the book to show the huge range of ideas. My favorite theme/ central idea of these in my notebook is “Never give up, and always look for new opportunities“. This theme is very fitting for the book as it comes up multiple times in the story, from pages 20 to 269.

In lesson 7, I learned about making connections between different parts of my book and connecting them with different topics. For example, torture in the camps would lead to humiliation which leads to the topic of dignity which is a topic widely talked about and expressed in the book. On this same page, I also wrote a timeline of all the different places( mainly POW camps) Louie stayed at after his 47-day drift across the Pacific Ocean. In these camps, you could see the contrast between characters like the kind Kawamura in Kwajalein Island to the evil ‘Bird’ Watanabe who tortured prisoners for fun.

In lesson 8, we talked about descriptive passages, and through a descriptive extract from Unbroken on page 201, I developed the central idea: “POWs in WWII were living in extreme conditions, but were all fighting to survive”. This passage could really make readers empathize with the POWs and understand what Louie and the others had to go through during the war.


Throughout this unit, I found many themes and central ideas and put all of them on one tracking page to put together the development and discoveries of these themes. I am most intrigued by the central idea: “POW camps in Japan in WWII tortured prisoner and treated them in inhuman ways, destroying their life and dignity”.  This central idea runs all the way through the second half of the book and it hurts me that it is true, there is a very significant amount of evidence that supports this, all speaking of the destruction of life and dignity.

I love this book for its beautiful and descriptive writing, I believe this book can teach everyone very important lessons and teach us some of the truth of what happened in WWII so we can understand and empathize. I  would recommend this book to anyone who would like to read a nice book and is interested in WWII.

In conclusion, thank you so much for reading to the end of my blog and I hope you can live like Louie being determined and never giving up.

Am I a Humanist?

I mostly agree with the idea of humanism, humanism can improve human life in different ways, I especially agree with the elements of Secularism and Education.

What was Humanism


Lamb to the Slaughter

The short story I used to make this poem is called ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ by Ronald DahlThe conflict in the story is mostly External. The protagonist of the story is called Maria Maloneny And The antagonist is the husband of Mary.The first External conflictIt is that Mary’s husband was trying to leave her Her husband came back from work one day and He was leaving her It described “She sat very still through it all watching him with a kind of dazes horror as he went further and further away from her with each word” Mary Did not accept that, she wanted to ignore the fact her husband wanted to leave her but failed. And in anger, hit him with a lamb leg that was supposed to be for dinner and killed him.

My poem shows the concept by highlighting words like ‘shock’ and ‘frightened’ to show the tension between the two main characters. The word ‘dazed horror’ shows the shock Mary felt against the news of divorce. The bloody background presents a straightforward idea of the violence and murder happening in the short story. My font style and font size both is set according to the mode and feeling of the word or sentence. For example for the two words ‘Killed him’ I made the font size big to make it look scary and intimidating, for the font style I chose a pointy sharp font to express the kill.

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  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

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