
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

The Bloody battle of Freedom at the Hands of the Monarchy

Our video tells the story of the people of France struggling to get to a better place in their lives. There were many lives lost and the reward was not very different from how the Radicals started out their lives. In the very beginning before the revolution, there were three estates. The first two didn’t have to pay taxes. This was because before feudalism was abolished the first two estates which were nobles and high church officials or priests, believed that how one was born was how one was supposed to stay. This was much like before the Renaissance in Italy, where religious people thought that god made you who you are and you can’t change that. However, the Radicals, third estate, or revolutionaries wanted a change in their lives.  Fast forward to 1789 when the revolution starts to kick off. This is when the Radicals really start to see change. People like Maximilien Robespierre and Napoleon Bonaparte really shaped France into what it is today. Without these key figures, France would most certainly not have the colorful history it has today. Sadly the Radicals fought many battles and started many fires igniting change in the people of France who wanted a difference to be made. Bitterly this only brought them enemies. There were many ups, but too many downs for this revolution to really make a change for all of France. This constant battle was not worth it, all the executions, the killing of animals, and people suspected of wrongdoing didn’t benefit the outcome the Radicals were hoping for.  Not only that but they were brought back to the exact same place they started. The battle to end Monarchy.

Thank you for getting to the end of my blog post!

1 Comment

  1. I noticed that our revolutions are quite similar in how the people no longer want to be under the monarchy’s rule. Another large commonality within our revolutions is how there were declarations for independence in both France and America, even at different times. On another note, while there are these huge similarities in both the American Revolution and the French Revolution, there was also a difference in the repercussions of what happened to the monarchs. While the monarch of France during the French Revolution, King Louis XVI, lost a lot of followers because they believed he was not treating his people right and was thereby executed, King George the III lived out his reign until the end of his life, even after losing his power over the Americans after the Revolutionary War.

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