"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Mexican Revolution: 3 Journals

“It’s been 2 years since the tragic and violent wars of the Mexican Revolution. Even though things are slightly better, I will still never forget the tragic events and things I had gone through in the past 2 years.” – Marisa Benz, December 8th, 1919

The Bloody History of the Mexican Revolution

The Mexican revolution started in 1910 and ended around 1920. The war was bloody, and thousands and thousands people were killed. The revolution was one of the first that had access to cameras and pictures, and another amazing thing about it is that even women were allowed to fight. It brought the end to the 30 year dictatorship in mexico and also sparked the Constitution of 1917. This video introduces the mexican revolution and shows the main figures and main events that had happened during it.

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The 57 Bus

The 57 Bus is based off of a real-life incident, talking about a story of an 18 year old agender person named Sasha, and 16  year old African-American teen named Richard. In the book, the author talks about the life story of these two teens, and all the trouble they had to go though before the accident, the fire. The main issues that are mentioned in the book are racism, gender, discrimination, and social justice.

I personally didn’t enjoy the book as much my classmates did, and I thought there were many parts that were difficult to understand and also kind of pointless. :/

In the image above, I write about the setting and explain what happened in the story. The setting is Oakland, California, and the accident happened on November 4th, 2013.  At the time Oakland was counted as the second most dangerous cities in the world, and 2/3 of all the accidents and deaths happened in the more poor area. That was also were Sasha got attacked by Richard.

This spider-graph shows the life of Sasha, her school life, her friends, and her experiences. It also shows what kind of person she is and her personality.

This cause and effect graph shows the different reasons why Richard has lit the skirt, and also shows what happened after the flames. Richards mistake was a bad idea and he really regrets his moves.

On this page, it has why Richard has been charged as an adult, although he was only 16, and also the reasons why he shouldnt have been charged this way. There are also many quotes to support why he shouldnt have been charged this way.


In conclusion, I didnt really like the book, however if you are interested in this topic and want to learn more about the lgbtq+ community, then you should definitely read this book.

Am I a Humanist?


Humanism during the renaissance is the time when everyone looked back to 500 B.C.E. – 400 C.E. when the ancient Greeks and Romans thrived. In this time, humanists learned about their art style, architecture, language (latin), and culture. The renaissance was also a time where science and technology was developed. For example, there was Leonardo Da Vinci with his sketches and designs of flying ‘airplane’ things, Nicolaus Copernicus who found out that the earth isn’t in the middle of the solar system but the sun is, William Shakespeare the english playwright, poet, and actor, and many many more others. (Most of these famous people were also humanists.)

As a result of my rankings, I guess you could say I am a humanist.

The Tuesday of the Other June


This found poem shows the conflict in Norma Fox Mazer short story, titled ‘The Tuesday of the Other June’. An application that was used to create this poem is Canva.

The different colors I used in this image show how the main character, June T, starts getting bullied by the other June (June M), and how she gets stronger at the end and embarrasses her bully. I used the color red because it shows how the main character gains the courage to confront her enemy. The images that were used in the poem are fish with big eyes because these fish really remind me of how June T used to be called fish eyes.

Even though June was brought down by her enemy, she still fought back at he end, and ended up embarrassing her.

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