Hector, who lived a turbulent life, was born right before the miserable period in Cuba in 1928. Unlike other peasants and workers, his father owned a sugarcane farm in the Eastern part of Cuba. So, he lived a normal life. But when he was 5 years old, he faced an overwhelming problem, which was the coup of Batista. He witnesses everything that happened for 26 years.



The Cuban Revolution, the bloody, traumatizing revolution, was successful. However, the result of the revolution was not really positive. After the victory of M-26-7, Castro began seizing every power in that very year. Nevertheless, Castro’s actions after gaining power were not really for us Cubans and seemed to be only for himself. Overthrowing Batista allowed Castro to be welcomed by the Cubans who were tired of Batista’s dictatorship. But after time, Castro became more and more like Batista. Even though the revolution was successful, the results that it brought was not really superior.