“All Thirteen” is a book of literary non-fiction that recounts the incident in which the boys and Coach Ek get trapped in a cave. It is a really well-written book that describes every small detail. The book highlights the significance of teamwork and leadership. It also shows the dignity of Coach Ek who contributed a lot to the boys’ survival. Here are some central ideas and themes to help you gain a deeper understanding of this book: “Effective leadership is crucial in such a challenging situation”, “The calm attitude of Coach Ek gave the boys more chance to survive”, “Collaboration is one of the most important substances in surviving a disaster”.
This is the notebook page from D.4, and it is all about Narrative+Information. At first, I had difficulties understanding this concept, but after I re-wrote my note, it seemed like I was getting there. I wrote some central ideas and supporting details from my book and connected them with information.
As I read through my book, the story showed more and more conflicts between people and nature. D.5 shows how I explained the conflict and the result which is effect in my book All Thirteen. There were varieties of conflicts that happened in our book, but the focus on the conflict emphasizes the importance of collaboration and leadership.
This notebook page from D.9 is about causes and effects in All Thirteen. As I said in D.5, D.9 recounts the cause and effects in All Thirteen, but D.9 also shows the connection of each conflict and effect. I had some misunderstanding at first, so I re-wrote the page.
For this notebook page, I didn’t really make a connection with my book, but I wrote down some keywords from my book. For the class example, I wrote some hidden figures and supporting details, also conflicts to show my understanding of the story.
So overall, I think my notebook is okay, but still, I have to put more effort into getting better grades. Maybe I would improve my notebook on making connections with my book. I would put more detailed writing to show my understanding more clearly. All Thirteen was okay in my opinion, but some people might say it’s a masterpiece or some might say it’s not interesting. But I suggest you read this book because this book recounts the real story very detailed and spectacularly. Thank you.
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