This photograph is considered wrong in two different ways.  The first way is that the photo breaks the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds states that the subject of the photo should be in the left or right third of the picture in order for it to be a “good” photo. This photo breaks the rule of thirds because most of the subject is located on the center of the picture. You could say that the subject is “misplaced”. The picture is almost blurry, limiting the viewer from seeing the subject clearly. The message that I wanted to convey in this photo is that while many people have an image of peace inside their heads, the idea of peace is blurry, and often not reinforced throughout the world. I feel like the recent events in this world such as the Russian Ukrainian war and the war between Israel and Palestine left people unable to truly see or experience peace. I wanted to express that idea in the photo.

This photo is again wrong in two different ways. The subject is overexposed. The photo has too much “glow”, or light streaming into the background. And again the subject is obscured, (I searched it up. Obscured means dark, dim, or indistinct, but I’m not sure if this is correct usage) limiting us from seeing the subject: The plants clearly. The plants in this photo symbolizes nature, and the sustainability of our ecosystem. The glow, or the overflow of light implies a sense of hope that people have that the environment, the condition of the earth will get better, and I believe that this is ironic. Global temperatures have been increasing in recent years and the world doesn’t seem to be making much progress. The little progress that we are making is expressed in the photo by the obscurity of the subject: the plant, as I explained before symbolizes the nature and sustainability of our ecosystem in this photo.

This photo is wrong in two different ways. The first is that the photo has no clear subject. The second is that the photo is upside down giving the viewer a sense of disarray. In my personal experience, after squinting at the photo for a couple of seconds, I felt that the photo was just a blurry picture of. a normal hallway. I think the meaning of this photo is for the viewer to decide, since by intentionally breaking the rules of photography the photo causes visual disarray, and can be interpreted in many different meanings.


This is a picture of a hallway. The hallway is blurry and obscure. However, there is a glow or a light emitting from the background. The blurry background and the hallway symbolizes life, and in the perspective of the viewer, we are not able to see what is on the other side of the hallway due to the obscurity of the picture. In that sense, the obscurity of the photo symbolizes uncertainty of the future which many people, including I feel today. However, the overflow of light, or glow in the photo symbolizes the sense of hope and possibility. I took this picture to represent a symbol of hope even when times are tough.

This photo is comprised of many different paintings. The rule of photography that it breaks is related to the subject. One of the rules of photography is that the subject should stand out in the photo. This picture breaks the rule because all of the “subjects” or paintings are positioned in a way that makes none of them particulary stand out. The message that I wanted to convey in this photo is that all paintings no matter who creates the painting or takes the picture, everything is considered a work of art. Every picture/painting has its own unique message or a story to tell. In the photo, I wanted to make every single one of the photos stand out, but that seemed to be physically impossible. So, I had to break a few rules in photography in order to convey the message that I want.

This photo breaks the rule of symmetry in photography, but provides a unique point of view for the viewer. There are also a lot of creative colors involved in the picture (which is one of the rules of photography). However, there is no focus or clarity in the photo which could lead to some discomfort for the viewer. To be honest, I did not have certain intentions for taking this photo. However, me and my team believed that the photo was creative, and colorful, and believed that this could be considered one of the best “bad” shots in our list of photos.

This is another picture of different pieces of artwork on the wall. This picture was one of the more random ones that we took with no intention of breaking the rules, but there are a few. First the photo is not symmetric. There is one large circle shaped piece of artwork on the left side of the picture and a bunch of little pieces of artwork on the right side. This picture also in a way breaks the rule of thirds since a large part of the circle painting AKA the subject is in the center-third of the picture. Despite the different rules of photography being broken, the thought that this photo had nice visuals based on our subjective perspective and decided to add this picture on our list.


This photo is a picture of one of the ISB paintings in the school hallways. I do not if you can tell this from looking at the picture but, this photo was actually taken by shaking the camera. We were intentionally trying to create a bad photo, however it ended up being a really good photo instead. The photo is somewhat symmetric with creative colors, a unique point of view and so much more. Expecting a bad photo but getting a really good one was something that we were not expecting so we thought that it should at least be in one of our top 10 photos.

This is a photo of a Pokemon with different colors on this head and waist. The photo is obscured and dim not allowing the viewer to take a look at the subject clearly. The photo is also not symmetric since only one of the circular objects are located on the left side of the pokemon’s waist. Despite that it has good visual qualities, creative colors, and a unique point of view, so we thought that this one was one of our top 10 photos.


This is a photo of one of ISB temples. The photo is obscured not allowing us to take a look at the subject clearly. Another thing wrong with this photo is that the temple or the subject covers all thirds of the photo, breaking the rule of thirds. The photo however, is creative, contains unique  colors while having symmetry to some degree. So our team thought that this could be one of our top 10 photos.