My Side Of The Story
The main problem is that the character in the story feels that he wishes to have justice due to his brother and father not treating him fairly and not considering his perspective. In the first paragraph, it showed that his brother bullied him and did not consider his perspective that he needed to practice his signatures. The main character’s reaction was that he was outraged in paragraph 3, first page. In the second and third page of the story, it described the father is not caring about little problems, which means he does not care about his brother bullying him. He is not considering his sons perspective by telling him that he didn’t care about skip (The older brother) putting scotch tape on his head. To prove that he added extra pain by pulling it of his head harshly and hitting him when the father only cared about his manners when he entered the room to find his mom when he found his dad. This is also on pg. 3-4. To sum up everything together, his father only wanted manners, not caring that he has been bullied by his brother. Additionally, his brother only wanted to play and did not care that his little brother needed to practice his signatures. This is shown throughout the whole story.
Blackout poem:
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