This found poem was created with the words from the story called ‘Tuesday of the Other June’ by Norma Fox Mazer. In the story, June, the protagonist, faces an external struggle with who the author refers as ‘the Other June.’ The Other June constantly bullies June and calls her names for having the same name as her, influencing the other kids in the class to give June a hard time as well. I believe that this is a man vs. man conflict because June is trying to deal with the Other June who keeps on bothering and being malicious to her just because she has the same name as her. For example, on page 3, the author explains all kinds of bullying she has gotten from the Other June and the other kids. One quote from the text would be “In the water, she swam alongside me, blowing and huffing, knocking into me. In the locker room, she stepped on my feet, pinched my arms, hid my blouse, and knotted my braids together.” This shows us as audience that the Other June is always being an extreme torment to June, both in and out of water. I took some words from this part of the passage and put it in my poem to emphasize the large amount of pain that June has received from the Other June, including the scars left by. Moreover, there is a quote from my poem saying, “just the start of Awfulday.” Here, I tried to be a little sarcastic and show that June is exhausted from all the bullying she got and how depressed she is. Furthermore, in the book, the author calls Tuesday (which is the day of swimming class) as Awfulday, so I tried to emphasize that as well. In the background, the girl represents June being miserable and melancholy due the bullies, and the pointing fingers shows how everyone is making fun of her and how every joke is on June.
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