
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Stranger than Fiction


Born a crime-literary non-fiction written by Trevor Noah, evolves into a story of Trevor Noah’s extraordinary childhood under racial segregation policy-apartheid. The book contains story of Trevor Noah as a illegally born mixed child between Swiss father and black South African mother under apartheid. Furthermore, it delivers historical fact with Trevor Noah’s personal experience. Due to racial segregation policy-apartheid. Through out the book Trevor Noah have experienced inequality & polarization between rich and poor by experiencing both township-designated for black race which lacked of resources and white neighborhood in Johannesburg where people had freedom and numerous resources. In addition, Trevor Noah have experienced racism & discrimination towards his identity. Book evolves story of Trevor Noah not truly being part of a community. It mentions that he was an outsider in township-Soweto and his primary school H.A Jack primary in Johannesburg. However, on the other hand how he had to communicate with others in their own language in order to be included in the community which he described as chameleon.

Synthesis pages:

I have written about the theme and central ideas of  identity & racism in the book. Furthermore, I have connected with real life societal issue in South Africa of polarization between rich and poor. Which was also involved in the book in the aspect of setting. This page is special because I have developed further from the book into societal issue.

P.O.V and voice analysis:

I have made analysis on the author’s voice as casual and friendly voice. Furthermore, have made analysis on the author’s perspective of 1st P.O.V and have connected the perspective with major events in the book. This page is essential to understand the book in a better way since it can connect his identity with his perspective of viewing.


I have collected great languages that are connected to Patricia’s perspective and her philosophy. Furthermore, how that shaped Trevor Noah as an individual who has always questioned and dreamed with great ambition.

Extension-Rewrite a passage from the book from a different P.O.V:

In this extension I have rewrite the passage on the last paragraph of Chapter 1: Run in Patricia’s perspective which shows her emotion of relief after escaping from a conflict between tribe (Xhosa & Zulu) which was between Patricia and minibus driver.

Major elements of Humanism and a pure Humanist



“For thousands of years, humans believed that authority came from the gods, then during the modern era, Humanism gradually shifted authority from deities to people.” Yuval Noah Harari the Jewish historian once said. During the Medieval(Dark) age humans thoughts were centralized in religion because the churches had the power which made the feudal society to depend on religion rather than true human value. However, during the bubonic plague pandemic humans started to question towards the religion which eventually led to the rise of the Human centralized thinking of seeking what we really are as a human being which is “Humanism”. Humanism is a movement emerged during the Renaissance (14th century) with rebirth of the classical ideas from the ancient Greek and Roman empire of seeking true meaning of ideas without religious influence. Therefore, this emerged movement influenced many parts of the society during the Renaissance.  Firstly, it influenced the science due to the crucial belief of observing, analyzing, and categorizing. This belief had extreme influence since it made scientists to think more logically and clearly which made great science discovery of the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposing that the solar system was heliocentric. Therefore, Humanism made great contribution of increasing confidence of humans themselves figuring out solutions towards countless phenomenons in the world we are living. Secondly, Humanism influenced the Art during the Renaissance with the Humanist idea of figuring out what we really are as a human being. The artists were keen to capture this reality human being, as an example Leonardo Da Vinci portrayed vitruvian man and proposed that human body could fit in a circle. Which shows one of the Renaissance artist’s curiosity of figuring out the human body. Therefore, the Humanism have influenced Renaissance art with the crucial belief of finding us human beings in the reality. Thirdly, Humanism influenced us the human being and the society during the Renaissance. Because Humanism emphasized importance of human dignity and values and promoted the idea of a society where individuals could flourish through work, creativity, and political participation. Which is focusing on the individual human being their value and characteristics furthermore, the role of individual’s role in society. Therefore, Humanism shaped the individual human beings thoughts and ideas as well as the role of the individual. Lastly, since I mentioned about the shift in thinking from religion to Human it influenced the Religion during the Renaissance. Human centralized thinking were available due to the Humanism however, Humanism was not the opposition of the religion however, it led to ideas such as Individualism which is advanced idea of Human centralized idea which still had great impact to the religion. Therefore, the Humanism mainly had influence of thinking of humans without reference to the religion.

                 Furthermore, while working on my infographic, I was able to find my hidden ego with Humanist mindset. This is the reasons why I am a pure Humanist. Firstly, I am a kind of person who care more about logical and critical thinking instead of religious and unclear thinking. Which connects to the belief of the humanist of observing, analyzing, and categorizing problems in the real life. Furthermore, this have shaped many parts of my life which is not depending on to unclear and less trustful things that is surrounding me. Instead I believed in datas, statistics that are trustful and unchangeable which I can rely on and believed in this which gave me an extreme advantage of stable and steady life. Secondly, I value individualism which is identical to Humanists. I always had idea of creating my own route that does not depend on anyone even the closest person to me. Furthermore, throughout the research I was able to find out that this is an Individualist belief of the tendency for a person to act with out reference to anything in the matter of value and thought. In addition, the Individualism have shaped my entire life because, that became part of my value as a human being which is going towards my true density without depending on anyone. Therefore, because of these two major elements that influenced my life I was able to figure out that I am a pure Humanist with Humanism in my ego.

Work Cited

Cartwright, Mark. “Renaissance Humanism.” World History Encyclopedia,, 20 Oct. 2024, 

Popova, Maria. “Da Vinci’s Ghost: How the Vitruvian Man Came to Be.” The Marginalian, 2 Sept. 2016, 


Q1 Reading Reflection

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Currently for my reading life I am reading a lot of fictions related to teenagers with analysis that can help me to understand the book better. I usually read during free times when I have nothing to do, and reads on the bus, at home etc.. Furthermore, the reason for reading novels is because it helps me to be knowledgeable and it feels like having a friend that I can learn from.

Throughout the school year I will read 1~2 books every month with annotations to deeply understand the novel.

My side not your side of the story

The black out/found poem one has created is based on the story titled my side of the story by Adam Bagdasarian. It evloves both internal and external conflicts throughout the story. Furthermore, in order to create this found poem one has used microsoft word for paragraph and Canva for artwork and found poem.

On page 1 of the story there are textual evidence to support external conflict of human versus human. At the beginning of the story, it starts with stating the relationship between his brothers. At the beginning on the poem, the word/phrase selections were entire roll of tape stuck on my head. Furthermore, on page1, paragraph 3, word/phrase selections for the poem were, stuffed and tied me he was fourteen could bedevil at will. According to this it can be inferred that the protagonist was habitually harassed/badeviled by his older brother skip. Since the protagonist stated two cases of harassment that happened both in the past and present. Therefore, it can be shown that there is an external conflict between the protagonist and his brother skip.

From page 2~5 of the story the textual evidence supports both external conflict of Human versus Human and internal conflict of Human versus belief. These conflicts are closely related to each other since the internal conflict is the side effect of the external conflict. Firstly, external conflict is protagonist vs father which can be inferred through word/phrase selections are from page 2, paragraph 12 and were utilized for the found poem. My father, his job, to guide us, self-reliance, not kind of man on would knowingly burst on. These phrases and words on the poem are all stating/describing one person which is protagonist’s father. By this one was able to infer that the father is not a type of person who stands out for someone in certain situation in this case the problem/fight between protagonist and his brother skip which is father’s characteristics.

Furthermore, the word/phrase selections on page 3 in the story and in the poem were, what the hell are you doing? I knew, that, was not enough to warrant my wild. You came running in here without knocking, you didn’t care. I wanted to explain, this been going on for years. Word/phrase selections on page 4 and utilized in the poem, “Here’s what we do with Scotch tape!”, he pulled the whole wad off my head, “Are you ever going to come in here without knocking again? “All this evidence is crucial to explain the conflict. It was mentioned before that the father was kind of person who has value of self-reliance and does not stand out for problems occurred between protagonist and his brother. And this is the dialogues between him and his father after the protagonist trying to tell his mother about the situation, but he accidently went to his father’s room. The extreme madness has been shown on these dialogues and at the end the protagonist was pulled out by force. Therefore, these dialogues clearly define the external conflict between the protagonist and his father.

Lastly, the main conflict of the story. The internal conflict of the protagonist’s belief on justice and his father’s belief of justice. On the last page of the story and the last part of the poem states the feeling of the protagonist after the external conflict with his father. “I wondered, was the justice in that? When I burst into mother’s room, entered world of justice, startling one’s father were serious crimes. I understood. I didn’t understand about why my brother who had started the whole thing by putting scotch tape on my head. I went over to his trophy shelf picked trophies wrested gold-plated. Therefore, because of this one was able to infer that the protagonist is having internal conflict of himself believing that his brother should be punished as well while father did not punish his brother. Moreover, the protagonist decides to punish his brother by himself by wresting his brother’s trophy. But this is really disappointing in one’s opinion. Since one felt that the protagonist is not realizing anything and is still in endless cycle of him and his brother revenging each other. Which was also mentioned in page 2, I did something by accident, my brother did something back, and I did something back, and on and on until it was impossible to tell who was at fault. Therefore, one thinks that it would be better if there was an element of internal growth that be evolved through storyline.


The artwork of the poetry: The artwork what one created contains meaning in every color choice and the objects are symbols that represent the story. Firstly, the bright green color represents the protagonist which is the one who gets bad eviled by his brother. Because bright color reminds kindness, joy. Furthermore, the tape above protagonist is the symbol of harassment he got. Moreover, the trophy what the protagonist is holding is the symbol of his belief on justice and revenge. Lastly, the dark color creature represents the brother/skip. In the story he was described as an evil creature who bullies his brother. Therefore, one chose dark color, which is the symbol of evil, madness, bad emotions.

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