
Born a crime-literary non-fiction written by Trevor Noah, evolves into a story of Trevor Noah’s extraordinary childhood under racial segregation policy-apartheid. The book contains story of Trevor Noah as a illegally born mixed child between Swiss father and black South African mother under apartheid. Furthermore, it delivers historical fact with Trevor Noah’s personal experience. Due to racial segregation policy-apartheid. Through out the book Trevor Noah have experienced inequality & polarization between rich and poor by experiencing both township-designated for black race which lacked of resources and white neighborhood in Johannesburg where people had freedom and numerous resources. In addition, Trevor Noah have experienced racism & discrimination towards his identity. Book evolves story of Trevor Noah not truly being part of a community. It mentions that he was an outsider in township-Soweto and his primary school H.A Jack primary in Johannesburg. However, on the other hand how he had to communicate with others in their own language in order to be included in the community which he described as chameleon.

Synthesis pages:

I have written about the theme and central ideas of  identity & racism in the book. Furthermore, I have connected with real life societal issue in South Africa of polarization between rich and poor. Which was also involved in the book in the aspect of setting. This page is special because I have developed further from the book into societal issue.

P.O.V and voice analysis:

I have made analysis on the author’s voice as casual and friendly voice. Furthermore, have made analysis on the author’s perspective of 1st P.O.V and have connected the perspective with major events in the book. This page is essential to understand the book in a better way since it can connect his identity with his perspective of viewing.


I have collected great languages that are connected to Patricia’s perspective and her philosophy. Furthermore, how that shaped Trevor Noah as an individual who has always questioned and dreamed with great ambition.

Extension-Rewrite a passage from the book from a different P.O.V:

In this extension I have rewrite the passage on the last paragraph of Chapter 1: Run in Patricia’s perspective which shows her emotion of relief after escaping from a conflict between tribe (Xhosa & Zulu) which was between Patricia and minibus driver.