file:///Users/                                                                              My Side of the Story By                                                                      Adam Bagdasarian 2005: A part from “First French Kiss” By Adam Bagdasarian

found poem conflict context.  Blue Green & Greyscale I am Poem

In this text, the narrator reflects on a time when they learned how to take justice into their own hands



        This short story talks about the main character Micheal gets in trouble with his father because of rejecting his older brothers invite.  clearly showing the conflict and the plot of the story, from the peaceful exposition, where the story starts off with exposing the scene but doesn’t give so much detail, staying on the main idea throughout the story .following to the rising action, then to the intense and nervous conflict. Then to the less tense falling action, lastly slowing down to the resolution, where nothing happens in this story.  

        The Poem i wrote started of by Micheal sitting in his room practicing his signature quietly. Then his peacefulness is interrupted when his brother Skip disturbed inside his room asking if he want to go play ball and shoot some hoops. Which starts up the trouble, rising up higher to a mini problem, when he refused Skips offer, which triggered Skip, which made him decide to stick scotch tape on the Micheal’s head. Introducing the cause of the conflict, visualizing a mini conflict of human vs human in the readings head, starting to give them a root of what the conflict is going to be.  This movement also outraged the main character. I crossed out alot of the arguments of the “scotch tape on my head” and tried to take it out part, because it is not important to contribute the main plot, we just need to know what caused the conflict and an idea of what is the main conflict, not more details from the argument. Moving on I highlighted the very top of the rising action, where the mc decides to reach to his mother to tell on skip. This part I decided to include the mother’s characteristics, letting the reader know why Micheal decided to go tell his mother and not his father.  This also introduces a difference comparing the mc’s two different parent’s distinctive personalities. causing the main conflict. Moving on to the climax and main conflict, starting off when Micheal opened the door to his mothers room, only to to see the wrong parent. “And then I realized that I was talking to my father, color drained from my face.” showing how scary my fathers personality was, making my face turn white. “What the hell are you doing here?” “Skip put scotch tape on my head…” “You don’t knock?” I want to keep this converstation inside my poem because it shows why father is mad at me, never for such little reason because l didn’t knock, but because he was annoyed of me. Showing more information about Micheals father. Setting his anger in motion, triggering him to hit Micheal with his belt, “whap!” letting the whole text start to revolve around its external conflict which is abusing and happening outside the characters emotions. human vs human, main character vs dad conflict. Also with Skip standing outside the doorway irresponsible for the trouble he’s caused of course. “At this point I heard a wheeze of escaping laughter where my brother was standing, and saw him run out of the room.”


Lastly the revolution, ending the story as a flash. Ending with the mc replying to his father’s spiking personality. Finishing with a comment simply saying there was not much to do after. 

overal with the two conflicts, l did not think Micheals opponents were being a good family member. How his brother does not think before he does something while still teasing Micheal by getting in trouble with his terrible biased father who the reader can totally tell, like his brother more than Micheal himself who did nothing wrong.