The book I read this unit is Just Mercy: A True Story of the Fight for Justice by Bryan Stevenson. I would really recommend this book about Bryan Stevenson, a young lawyer fighting to help people wrongly convicted and trapped in a broken justice system. His powerful stories shines a light on the harsh truths of injustice and reveal how courage and compassion can spark change. Through his story, we could really see that fighting for justice is not only a legal battle, but it is a moral one that affects not just one person.
Design by Pearl Zhang [STUDENT]
A central idea presented in the book Just Mercy is that in many instances in the south at that time, people were targeted, treated different and looked at differently because they were either poor or people of colored. I mentioned this central idea in my first page of the notebook i presented. The central idea is backed up with evidences, whether they are dates of trials, or cases that has happened. This central idea really portrayed whether by the main character’s story or by how the other lawyers talk about their way through their work or it is by the other people at death row and people of colored or poor. A theme that I really like that was portrayed in the book was a quote on page 17 “The opposite of poverty is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice.” This really portrays what the whole story is trying to teach and give us. It’s that everyone should be treated equally no matter of race or social status which that couldn’t be achieved back in those days.
Page one of my notebook shown is where I wrote all my central ideas in the book down. I had a central idea from when I just started reading the book and added evidence on to that as I read. This page shows that all the central ideas and the evidences link together and can be used. Page two shown of my notebook is about the narrative elements in the book. I looked for dialogue, and imagery. When writing these down, I noticed how by using the dialogue and imagery can help the reader be in that environment and make them feel like they are actually in this real life situation. It can bring more empathy in the reader. The third page of my notebook shown is about the informative elements in t he book. We can see that b y the use of the informative elements, it makes the story more believable because they use dates times and examples of actual cases. The last page of my notebook shown is about the cause and effects of the elements in the book. This page really shows how the story is really connected and one event leads to another. And some of the quotes said by the start by the author would really reflect on the stories told at last.
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