historical <=This is the link of my infographic.
In the article, I could find various elements of humanism during the Renaissance. But I wrote five of them and I’ll soon tell you why!
Have you experienced inequality because you were born so? In many foreign countries, I felt like that because I’m born as an Asian. In medieval Europe, many people experienced inequality because they were born as a peasant or what. But in the Renaissance period, people were evaluated with their individual abilities so, it encouraged to work more hard to live a better life. If could change my quality of life by working hard, I would definitely work hard so, I gave rank 5.
Some math problems are uneasy to solve. But when observe the problem carefully, I can sometimes find the right answer. Humanists also emphasized observation and experimentation and it led to academic success, so I can say it actually is a main element of humanism and I rated as rank 4.
When I ask about something constantly by myself, even a very normal thing, I can understand it and get more deep knowledge. Humanists also questioned everything and made academic success. I thought questioning everything does really help getting knowledge so I gave rank 5.
Do you like history? Maybe not me. But people at that period hunted for ancient Greek and Roman culture and learned a lot from them. For me, I’m not a history person, I didn’t agree this that much so, I gave rank 2.
Imagine many laws are based in religion. I don’t wanna imagine that, there will be so many innocent prisoners. So at the period, Renaissance thinkers made effort to keep balance between religion and laws and I thought it was important, I gave rank 4.
You know what? I didn’t knew that but I’m 80% humanist, (5+4+5+2+4)/5 x100=80(%)
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