
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Humanism infographic

I agree with the  principles of humanism, and the idea that anyone can achieve great things, no matter their background, really speaks to me. It inspires those who refuse to accept limitations. While the churches and the powerful people of the Renaissance often suppressed others, the thinkers of that time taught us to be brave and to question everything in order to discover the truth.

Are you a humanist? yes, im a 80%humanist (3/5+3/5+5/5+5/5=3.2   3.2/4=0.8   0.8=80%)

Scotch tape and Justice

I created a found poem based of the story:”My side of the story” written by Adam Bagdasarian.

Conflicts in the story:
I think the conflict in this story is external one, person v.s. person, which is “me” and my brother. The author is upset because his older brother, Skip, sticks Scotch tape on his head. This act really annoyed him, he tries to get the tape off, but it pulls out some of his hair, so its really a physical hurt from his brother. 🥲Maybe this story also involves a internal conflict: He felt that Skip’s prank was bad, but that his father had punished him unjustly, this made him frustrated, because he wished his father could punish his brother…

My poem explains the conflict of the whole story “Was the justice When my brother put Scotch tape on my head Hadn’t been punished” Including 5plots of the story, the exposition “Sitting at my desk, my brother came in”, the rising action: ‘He unraveled Scotch tape on my head’, the climax: ‘my heart full of rage, I leaped, in search of justice’. justice”.

My design: The theme of this story is justice, and the main clue/or thing that causes conflict is a roll of tape, so I chose a background with a primary color of yellow because that’s what I think the color of Scotch tape is, and then each word looks like that the tape sticks it on, and I added a scale behind the word “justice”, and I bolded for some individual words that I felt were more crucial. The three pictures above are all ones I found online, and each one corresponds to the scene (except for the last one which I did just to convey that the two brothers are playing pranks on each other and might fight against each other).

hyperlinks:—author introduction


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