My book club book “Lost In The Antarctic”, it let us viewed about the great adventure of Shackleton and his crew trying to cross the Antarctic continent. It showed how teamwork is that important in bad situations and how Shackleton’s decisions/orders saved the 28 men and sled dogs from challenges. The books let us readers see how the crew survived from disasters one after another and how hard it was to face death hundred of times to reach their final goal. Their ship got stuck many times and the crew must be prepared every second that they might loose another teammate which will make the adventure even harder for them. Shackleton as a fearless and smart leader encourages his crew and give them mental support to not give up on his last great journey.
I found narrative and informative quotes from the story which shows how their adventure was so hard and what it is like being near The south pole. Also, the emotions of the crew when facing problems they never faced before.
I found two main central ideas throughout the story which is, “Being the first crew to complete the challenging mission of crossing the Antarctic continent”, and “Shackleton as a great leader and knows how to help the crew and solve issues”. I think these are the central ideas because their goal is to complete this adventure to cross the Antarctic continent and a great leader who knows what to do is the greatest help they get.
I noticed that the life lesson that the author wants to tell us is that to not give up achieving your goal even though it might be crazy, the second you decided it, you work hard for it. The crew had limited opportunities on the boat but still worked as a team and tried their best, so they finally survived and became the first crew that went near the south pole.
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