As May is nearing to an end, our final project of the year is also coming to an end. Selling our products and goods in the cafeteria will be next week’s Tuesday and Thursday for our group, and we are looking forward to it. We have put so much time and effort into this project, and we’ve learned a lot, all while having fun. I’ve learned that to make this project successful, one very important skill we must have is being collaborative.

One strength I think I have as a collaborator is doing my part and trying my best to fulfill my roles. I think this helps my team because (hopefully) my teammates will be able to trust that I can be independent and reliable, and that I know what I’m doing or need to do. Trying my best to fulfill my roles will also mean my team members don’t have to do extra work that I’m supposed to do, and contributing will help make my team much more efficient. For example, as the designer of my group, I had to sketch a design of our prototype, as well as help my teammates whenever they had questions about our product’s design when we were actually making our prototype. For my job as the organizer and point person, I had to make sure I would collect all the necessary papers my group needed to complete tasks, and make sure I didn’t lose any of them (especially the finance checks) so that we wouldn’t lose any money or have to redo tasks. I felt that I had tried my best to do these things, and I’m glad that I didn’t lose any important papers.

One area of growth I think I could improve as a collaborator is to not put most of the workload on me, and evenly distributing it among everyone. I think because the dates for selling our product is nearing, things are starting to get even more stressful, and I sometimes feel like I need to work on everything. I still trust my teammates, and they’re doing the work they’re supposed to be doing, but I think they might want to have more things to do as well. I think at the beginning of the unit when we first started making our prototype, I might’ve also been overexcited about the project, and wanted to do everything and dive right in. Now, I think I’ve improved slightly because my team have developed a assembly line to make our product, where one person would work with the fabric and sewing while the other would work with the book covers. This way, everyone will have something to do.

Hopefully my team and I can make enough goods in time for the days we need to sell, and that it will be a successful end to Project Entrepreneur!