Grade 8, Humanities

Video Diary After Lenin Dies

This is a video diary about the Russia Revolution after the leader of Bolsheviks Lenin dies. The person is speaking is called Sacha Levin, he loses one of his left arms at the Bloody Sunday. He was one of the poor factory workers in the capital. In the past he has lost one of his arms, later on, he always stands neutral. At a point in which the Cheka the secret police, those people are killing their opponent, so Sacha stands support the Bolsheviks. After the Bolsheviks officially take over Russia, Sacha’s parents are near to death, they have luckily alive.

In my opinion, that the three revolutions and the civil war somehow it worth it. For the first revolution, it didn’t really do something, but it has build up Duma. The second revolution, this one has really ended the Tsar, which kind of end the bad government. The third revolution, it is simple, that almost no one died, and quickly end the opponents of Bolsheviks. After the third revolution, I think that is the best thing. The peasants have benefited from that, they got lands, the Bolsheviks have make sure the safety of the worker. The Bolsheviks end the war, is helping Russia, and stable the economy. Later the civil war only has helped the Bolsheviks to be the official leader. After the civil war, things have been changed, but later the New Economic Policy has worked and lead Russia to a good mood.