
'Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.'- Kareena Kapoor Khan

Author: bruce.zhang (page 1 of 6)

graphic design


strength for the process, during the time when my teacher asked me to create a Padlet with my thinking, I have already fixed my eyes on the raper, The kid Laroi, so I decided to do research on emotional rap lines, which he mainly wrote about with Juice Wrld.

weaknesses for the process, it would be that I am too focused on the drawing/ background, and I could have improved on the quality of the typography.


strength of the result: I feel like my poster is really a poster and can be used to show other people, which would be very useful as a designed product to be sold.

weaknesses of the result: I have only spent about a class and putting the whole thing together, I could have improved on writing the names of the singers, even though I am satisfied with the result(I think, depends on the score).

Before this whole school year started, I begin to listen to Rap music and I really like this artist called THe Kid Laroi, because his style of writing can help me get mastery in Graphic design, his type of songwriting is really good for a robotic font.


Made with Padlet

design element poster

the element of the design Mr. Griffen gave me shaped, so I have decided to use affinity to create an educational poster to represent my learning from this class. this design task is about showing my understanding of this certain class and the element shapes.

at first, I had drawn shapes that are only white and they can’t be identified as shapes, so my partner gave me feedback on making it more specific. since the first prototype wasn’t what I really wanted, I have decided to create a new drawing. after starting with affinity, I accidentally created a wolverine when was messing around with the app, then I started to use the same technique over and over again, eventually creating four rip-off marvel characters. as the process went on, my friend gave me feedback on the characters, telling me that the whole thing is too complicated and the idea was to use shapes to represent my thinking. in the end, I chose two of my favorites, Dr. doom, and rip-off spiderman. using the contrast poster as an example, I created a shapes poster using the same template.

bruce shapes template


paper menagerie


In Ken Liu’s short story paper menagerie, the author mainly talks about a Chinese mom and a half Chinese, half western boy.  Readers first notice is his little paper tiger, which basically represented his mother throughout the time. As the tiger gets ripped by Mark, his memories of his mother fade away.

In the story, you can clearly see that the boy wasn’t to found his mother at first, but when his mother died, he realized how brutal it was not to have a completed family



From the first version of the project shelter, since I didn’t have any evidence and proof that the things below are true, I am just going to talk about it.

I have learned that having a clear goal in order to achieve the thing that I want to do, I made the carrot house according to my will, not to a customer’s will, which is not what a designer should do. I should have put the use in first, not the looks.


The audience is an important character who has the problems of state the problem he/she/it needs a proposed solution in order to the desired outcome for user

english 9 goal-setting

my strength and weaknesses:

my strength is that i can focus in class without music, but i don’t mind if i have to listen to music, personally, i think that i am good at speaking english using my mouth

my weakness is that i can’t focus in class without something that i can mess with with my hands, because i feel like unstable without being to think and play with stuff in my hands. Another problem that i have is taking notes with out using grammar, because usually i take notes using thoughts and not sentences, which means that when i share my notes, i need to prepare.


my goals for this school year is to write a few essay with a solid 6 and higher, because writing isn’t my strength. Also is to handle my table-mates nicely.



i don’t think that i would need any resources, I would just need to focus in class.

Very Interesting Journal of the Cuba revolution

character intro

: My character john is a man in his 60’s, he fought before on the fields for Batista. after his first war, he realized how brutal it was, killing innocents and sabotaging countries. 5 years later he would join Fidel Castro on a adventure to free the people of Cuba.


  1. Batista escaped Cuba to go to the Dominican Republic
  2. Farmers in Cuba got their land back from the land lords
  3. Fidel Castro break ups with the United states


  1. US will always benefit from Cuba
  2. Sugar is still the main income of Cuba


Very Interesting Blog Post About Cuba in Plain English

The creator of this super interesting video is made by the people below


photographer: chuck and 1/2 of the taker: chuck

video editing and video organizing and 1/2 of the recording is done by bruce


the big idea for the whole video is to talk about how Fidel Castro overcoming a whole lot of difficulties, doing all it takes to give the civilians of Cuba a “freedom” what i wanted to show in that video is that a war is not a place for jokes, millions has lost their life for what they believed in, Batista used to have about 10,000 thousand people, that is about 10 ISBs, then they all died, at least half did. i learnt that revolutions are brutal, and they don’t succeed easily.


Very interesting blog post about the The 57 Bus (LEGIT)

The 57 Bus

The 57 Bus, Dashka Slater, the 57 bus is a new book that it written in 2017, which is a new book, I am really surprised by the popularness of the book. It can only show that the author is a fantastic writer. She is just like the writer of my favorite book Educated, Tara Westover, both of them is smart at writing and can grab you with facts. The facts pop out of nowhere, making it interesting and surprising

The book is all about being really sexist towards people with different sex and people get made fun simply because they have a different sex.

Evidence:  on page 126-127, you can see from the book that they thought it would be funny to light up Sasha’s skirt, they do that because they simply think it is weird for a man to wear a skirt.

On page 158, I would like to quote the words of “a man wearing a kilt like garment was set on fire…” you can see from this passage that they did not use anything like a-sexual or bisexual. They used the word man to describe Sasha, which is really sexist.

On page 57, Sasha asked they mom that if there is a bathroom for a-sexual people, or people with other genders, but they mom actually got angry and told Sasha to stop this Bladder and just be flexible.

People only stopped making fun of Sasha because she got famous and burnt, people use to look at her with weird eyes and they don’t act but just silently judge. Everyone loves fame, not saying his friends but the others, No H8 and everything just like that. She would just grow up in a silence world if she wasn’t burnt up

one thing that I learnt from the non-fictional unit is that non-fiction books may seem boring, but when read into them, they are really interesting, facts hit you just like how the imaginary in the fiction books hit you

how to use my stuff


you use the nostril at the heads, and they will suck the smell in and the whatever the kind of smell it is, the type will appear on the screen. but in the end, if you think the smell is to pricy, i mean like when the price of the smell or food,  you can type in the price that you want, and the smell within 500m will be shown ll appear on the screen.

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