Hannah's Blog

The sun will rise and I will try again.

Month: May 2022

Mood Boards: Translating the Mood Board into SPACE Rough Design

This is a rough sketch of a noisy and chaotic society. There are four different parts to this sketch. One part is the large fire that is in the left bottom corner, the fire has drawn in fire trucks and ambulances causing a disturbance. Then there is construction going on next to the fire, and the sound of utensils causes annoyance. On the other side of the road, there’s a whole different city crowded with traffic, buildings, and people. Above in the sky, there is an airplane and also fireworks creating enormous noises. There are so many different noises that resemble my phobia of acousticophobia.

Bird-eye view:

Front view:

With the circumstance of being online, I made a big proportion of my final design 2D meaning that I will draw it. The only 3D elements are the construction area and the fire.

Mood Boards: Exploring Themes for Scenic Design

Creating a mood board is a step in creating a scenic design. A mood board helps you gather ideas you might include in your scenic design.


Color: the color is not limited, it has a wide range of colors from brighter and vibrant colors to muted and calm colors

Symbol: Behind the images selected there is the symbolism of annoyance and disturbance. For example, when the alarm goes off it wakes you up from your sleep, and you must go to work, school, etc.  In general, going to school in the morning feels like a chore, and people hate when alarms go off. Another example is a fire, when the fire is created fire trucks and ambulances are sent to take out the fire making immense noises, which leaves citizens in anxiety and disturbs their day.

Object: there are so many different types of objects and living things that can produce noises. It is almost as if anything can create noise or disturbance.

Emotion/ Feelings: the emotions and feelings expressed in the images are annoyance and anxiety. Most of the objects and subjects in the images are disturbing and make someone annoyed by the unpleasant sound. Some of the objects in the images can give anxiety to people such as sirens and dog barking, because it can overwhelm someone.




Scenic Design Practice: Sketching Space

These are two different perspectives of my bedroom. The two different perspectives are group plans and elevations. The group plan is when the audience is looking from directly above, while elevations is where the audience is looking at it from the front. When creating Scenic designs the designer must know the different views of the scene they want to create, for it to become presentable from different perspectives.

Group plans/ Birds eye view:


A Scenic Design Vocab

  • Scenic Design– The aspect of a production that gives a sense of ‘space’ or location. Can be realistic or symbolic. Aids in creating ‘atmosphere’.
  • Mood Board– A poster that contains imagery that will help focus the design or conceptual weight of a piece of theater.
  • Thumbnail Sketch– A quick sketch or drawing that becomes the starting point for a design.
  • Stage Configuration– The layout of the stage in the theater you are producing the play
  • Ground Plan/ “Birds Eyes View”-The top-down look of the design. Gives you an idea of WHERE things are on stage.
  • Elevation– The FRONT look of the design. Gives you an idea of what you will see when you are looking at the stage.
  • Flat– A scenic piece that is used to build doorways or walls. Light, flexible, and can be built to order.
  • Sight Lines– the view of an audience onto the stage. Sightlines are taken from many different seats to see what they are.
  • Masking/ Masking Flats– flats of curtains designed to ‘hide’ the elements of the stage we don’t want the audience to see.

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