Creating a mood board is a step in creating a scenic design. A mood board helps you gather ideas you might include in your scenic design.


Color: the color is not limited, it has a wide range of colors from brighter and vibrant colors to muted and calm colors

Symbol: Behind the images selected there is the symbolism of annoyance and disturbance. For example, when the alarm goes off it wakes you up from your sleep, and you must go to work, school, etc.  In general, going to school in the morning feels like a chore, and people hate when alarms go off. Another example is a fire, when the fire is created fire trucks and ambulances are sent to take out the fire making immense noises, which leaves citizens in anxiety and disturbs their day.

Object: there are so many different types of objects and living things that can produce noises. It is almost as if anything can create noise or disturbance.

Emotion/ Feelings: the emotions and feelings expressed in the images are annoyance and anxiety. Most of the objects and subjects in the images are disturbing and make someone annoyed by the unpleasant sound. Some of the objects in the images can give anxiety to people such as sirens and dog barking, because it can overwhelm someone.