Womens Fashion Magazine Cover by Rayna
My project is inspired by one of William Shakespeare‘s most renowned plays A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I chose Hermia to put on my magazine cover and write about because I think she is a very unique character. In the story, she showed through her lines that she wasn’t afraid of the unfair laws at that time that kept her from choosing her own love. She has a very different personality from the other characters, and has different thoughts and ideas about the rules at that time. I think she also symbolizes justice, bravery, and courage. I picked the image I chose to portray Hermia as a young woman wearing a black dress with dreamy eyes, and flowing black hair. I think that the dreamy eyes makes her seem faraway, deep in thought about the many challenges she’s facing. I think Hermia is also quite beautiful in this image, and in the play it’s mentioned that she’s super attractive and good-looking. People might think of Hermia mostly as a white woman as the play is set in Italy, but I think that as this play has been transformed into many versions, translated into so many languages, and changed to fit so many cultures, that Hermia can be any race or ethnicity. I am proud of the image I found for Hermia because I think it really fits the idea and appearance of the character. Also, I’m proud of the title I gave my magazine, because I think Hermia would definitely appear as a popular woman of the year even if she isn’t real, since she’s a main character in the play.