- Pavilion
- A pavilion may be a subsidiary building that is either positioned separately or as an attachment to the main building.
- It provides a shelter for entertainment, art, or other usages.
- This project is about making a creative architecture for ISB students that placed in ISB somewhere.
- ideas
- brainstorming
- everyday objects:
- I uses a carton package of pens and made a rough model
- 3d model
- after coming back to campus, I uses toothpicks and hot glue and made out the following models
- I wanted to make a huge soccer-like shape, but as I keep developing, I found it difficult to make perfect pentagons and the shape looks empty with nothing inside the huge pentagons.
- this was an unsuccessful example because it is very hard to hold its shape.
- therefore, I tried the most stable shape: triangles, and made out another structure
- I wanted to make a stable structure that could handle some weight on it, and I really like the regular geometric shapes which made it looks professional and precise.
- then, I tried to use paper to show how this structure may work as a pavilion and came out the final model
- digital 3d model
- after making out the actual model, I tried and made a digital one on the computer
- brainstorming
- feedbacks & responses
- Q: The floor looks hard for students to stay on since it is oblique?
- I added a flat floor in the digital model for students to work more comfortably on.
- Q: Why is the ceiling open as it should be quiet?
- It is hard to make the glasses from the actual model to show the differences with other walls, so I use two different materials in the digital model to show the differences between them.
- Q: What could the student do inside it?
- The students could do whatever they want but only if it is quiet and not disturbing others. This is a place for them to relax from the heavy pressures.
- Q: The floor looks hard for students to stay on since it is oblique?
- big decisions:
- After the failure of the first model, I found it important to make the structure stable and easier to control. So I decided to use the triangular structure and the octahedrons seems easy to make, and I made some out. After that, I realized that it is cool to connect all of them together which formed the big structure with 9 octahedrons.
- However, at this stage, the structure has nothing to do with a pavilion, so I think of using the advantages of 9 octahedrons and making a path through which people can walk in. I uses paper triangles to cover the space and made it more like a shelter. Then, I realized it seems like a maze shape.
- Because this pavilion can be a closed space, I came out with the idea of making it into a quiet place for students to relax. As a result, I decided to use sound-absorbing materials to isolate the sound. In these ways, I got my final project of a ‘quiet maze’ that allows students to enjoy themselves.
- presentation poster
- I’m able to provide a functional pavilion for ISB students on the campus that succeed in the goal of this project.
- My audience may be all ISB students and teachers, and I’m aiming to present the idea of building this pavilion on the campus. As a result, I hope that they would appreciate this idea and consider this plan.
- During the process, I successfully made out a 3d model of this pavilion which allowed me to screenshot it from different angles and be able to change the perspective easily. This made my progress much smoother than I thought.
- pavilion presentation_0316
- improvement
- If I have more time, I could finalize the model about the details. Also, I could add desks and chairs (maybe sofas since they’re comfortable) for the students in the pavilion, instead of modeling everyone sitting on the ground. I could also add decorations on the walls to make them feel relaxed.
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