

What is good about lip balm?

Kevin H
nice texture

William C
It feels like Vaseline lotion, slimy, watery and smooth. I think it’s suitable for me.

It feels very smooth and nice

Cindy H
Its very soft

Daniel H
It’s smooth

What is bad about lip balm?

Kevin H
smell could be changed

William C
It smells like the Mosquito thing, that I really don’t like the smell of it.


Cindy H
Maybe change the scent

Daniel H
scent is too strong

What is improvement or feedback to my trial 1 lip balm?

Kevin H
change the smell to shampoo

William Y.C
In my opinion I think change the smell is better.

Change smell to lavender or vanilla

Cindy H
Make less oily

Daniel H
change scent or make scent weak

How I would improve?

When I made the first lip balm, it had so many smell, but it is very comfortable. However, after 1 or 2 month, lip balm is more comfortable. I would improve by next time measure more correctly the essential oil or change types of essential oil. Also, If I can put more than 4.5g, I can make full the lip balm tube. I will change my recipe that reduce the essential oil and shea butter.