My biggest success in design class was making teamwork, because we need to work with two people our team divided the work we need to do. This helps us to work together and improved the skill how to work together more efficiently. Also, success that made was experience. With this class, I get a plethora of experiences, which areĀ  hard to have at other places.

One piece of advice I would give a future student doing this project is that don’t play too much for you project. Cardboard is easily get broken and durability is not so good. This means if you play too much at that game, it could be destroyed before the 4th grades come, or before some fun activity with the cardboard game. Also, you should say to people plays your game about don’t use too roughly.

One thing I ‘d like to changeĀ  is make defender without the tooth picker. When I made defender stand with tooth pickers, it keep makes hole at cardboard, and make looks not very good. So, I will make them stand with hot glue or other substances which is not tooth pickers.