This found poem is from a short story called “Thank you, ma’am” by By Langston Hughes. The conflict in the story is external, specifically person vs. person, and it happens between two characters; the antagonist Roger, and the protagonist Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. While the woman was walking alone, at night time, the boy tried to snatch her purse, but failed, and got caught by Mrs. Jones. Surprisingly, instead of taking him to the police station, the woman decided to not be too harsh on him and taught him a lesson the nice way.

In my found poem, the background represents the time of the day this story took place, which is at eleven o’clock pm. The purse represents Mrs. Jones’ purse that Roger tried to snatch. And last but not least, the ten dollar bill represents the ten dollars that the woman gave to the boy so he can buy the shoes he wanted.

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