Circe – Madeline Miller (finished)

I finished this book during the 8-day cycle. I dived into the book not knowing what I would be getting. I was very interested in Greek mythology when I was younger; I remembered Circe to be a villain, turning men into pigs. Madeline Miller turned a new page for Circe in this book. I feel like the book was so interesting to me and I finished it so fast because it gave me a chance to dive back into Greek mythology, reading about the characters that I had learned about so long ago, she also introduced me to new ones as well. The author not only gave Circe a twist but also many other characters. I also liked seeing Circe make decisions in the book because she was a very dynamic character. In the beginning, she would shrink back into her shell when people made fun of her, for her looks, her voice, basically for being different from her family. After she gets banished to a life on an island forever, we could see her change into a strong and powerful woman, with her own child. The change we see in Circe really had me hooked in the story.